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*no pov narrated

8 months ago

Redfield Lighthouse was a place where many people passed by at all hours of the day to meditate and put their contrary thoughts aside, although it was also a pleasant riding arena where lovers indulged in their passions. In any case, for Big John it was a place that transmitted peace and connected him with the sea, something that he had passed on to his son, John B.

Many nights, the two would spend time there, watching the stars, listening to the sound of the waves and rambling about various adventures and unimaginable treasure hunts. Many others, they would take some company. Especially JJ, who was practically Big John's adopted son.

However, the visits became more abundant from John B, who after a month of his father's disappearance, was approaching the big lighthouse to spend a few hours, as they both used to do. John B got out of the truck with a flashlight in his hands. He cursed between his teeth when the bulb began to flicker. It was clear that he had to get one fast.

The rest of the guys were at a Halloween party and although they tried to convince him, it had only been a month since his father had shown any sign of life and he didn't feel up to anything. To some extent, he was frustrated that his best friend Gina didn't feel the way he did since his dad was vanished too, and decided to go to the party and get drunk until she couldn't remember his name. He supposed it was either two ways of coping with the pain or that Gina was quite carefree and not yet aware of the situation.

John B started up the rickety steps. When he reached the top of the lighthouse the lantern he carried with him went out just as he had thought it would when it began to tinkle earlier. However, the light of the full moon meant that part of the inside of the lighthouse was illuminated and he could at least see where he was stepping.

As he approached one of the windows, he heard some groaning at the other end. John B cursed inwardly for not having a light on him and began to turn slowly toward the sound. His heart was racing. However, when he saw a pair of blond locks he could breathe easy. He recognized that face.

"FUCK JJ, I was just about to hit you with whatever!" exclaimed John B somewhat relieved but frenetic. "Very funny your joke, but just know that no funny." his friend was slow to respond, so John B walked over to him and stood at his height.

"If only it was a joke bro..." he whispered between groans. John B grabbed him by the shoulders and brought him towards him. His nose was bleeding and his lip was split, along with a few cuts across his face. His left cheekbone was starting to swell.

"What the fuck is this JJ?" exclaimed John B worriedly. His best friend had taken quite a beating.

"Nothing to worry about." he merely replied.

"Has it been your father?" John B was the only one in the group of friends who knew what kind of relationship JJ and Mr. Maybank shared. That's why basically Big John always took care of JJ.

"Fuck no. Not this time."

"So? What are you doing here and..." he looked at him more closely. He was dressed as the character from Scream, although his costume was in equal or worse shape than his face. "Dressed like that... and bleeding... and... JJ, what happened?"

"Rafe." he merely replied.

"That fucking kook messed with you! I'll teach him a lesson." John B stood up ready to go after him. Just the thought of that idiot Rafe hitting his best friend made his blood boil. He couldn't stand that guy.

"Wait." JJ grabbed what little strength he had left in his best friend's arm. "I started..."

"What? Well tell me at least he's looked worse than you." tried to joke John B.

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