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"Please, please..." begged Kiara for the fourth time.

"Good grief Kie, you know Kooks parties don't go with me, they don't even go for you." I exclaimed dropping down on her bed in resignation.

"I know and I do, but my parents have been getting pretty heavy since we got in search of the Royal Merchant." she sighed. "I need a good chaperone to go with me, plus you're the only person I hang out with that my parents like."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. The kook party was at none other than the Cameron's house, which made the idea of attending all but appealing. I didn't want to cross any of that family, least of all Rafe.

"I don't know Kiara..." she walked over to me and rested her hand on my leg.

"Come on come on, after getting out of jail an ex-offender like u could use a little relaxation." she joked eliciting a silly laugh from me.

"Okay you win! I'll go with you to that stupid party." Kiara jumped with excitement and in a shout called out to her mother.

"You'll see what a cool dress we picked out for you." she whispered to me as if it was a big secret. "Mom!" she shouted again as she went off in search of her.

"Wait a minute...Kiara how did you know I was going to accept?" but it was too late, Kiara was already out of the room even though I was betting because she had heard me.

This Kie... she never gave up, she had the most convincing ability I had ever seen. I just hoped the party wouldn't go as badly as I thought it would, I would just stick to Kiara for as long as possible.

For a few moments, my mind brought up JJ, who I hadn't heard from since we left the police station. He hadn't called or written me or even tried to find me after that. Something wasn't right about him and that worried me a lot.

"Okay, well here are your dresses girls, when you're ready let me know and I'll do your hair." I smiled at Mrs. Carrera as a thank you and left Kiara and I to get dressed quietly.

"What a horror!" exclaimed Kiara holding up a lavender colored dress which I thought was wonderful.

"I heard you young lady!" shouted her mother from afar.

"It looks beautiful to me Kie."

"It's not my style at all Ginny and you know it." she let out a giggle as she held out another emerald dress to me. "This is yours, I'm sure it looks great on you." I held the fabric in my fingers and couldn't help but smile. It looked like a beautiful dress, it was all about trying it on.

Kiara and I undressed and put on our gowns. Kiara looked beautiful. Her lavender dress came down to her ankles and was a little tight around her breasts, plus the slit in the back made it ravishing. She didn't think so, because the grimace on her face as she looked in the mirror spoke for itself.

When I looked at myself I felt a little strange, I was not used to having this kind of clothes in my closet, but to some extent I liked it. The dress also came down to my ankles and had a split on the left side that made it show part of my leg. The sweetheart neckline puckered a bit at my abdomen making my hips stand out. For a moment I felt like a complete Kook.

"You look divine baby!" she cheered at me. "If only JJ could see you..." her comment took me by surprise.

"What's that for?"

"Gina there's clearly something going on between you two." she jabbed her finger at my shoulder playfully.

"What? Nothing to see." I tried to disguise it by adjusting my dress.

"Oh come on! And what was all that about going with him to the Chateau the other day?" Kiara stepped in front of me so I wouldn't try to escape her interrogation.

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