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Lilian and Genya were only little girls when they were found by general Kirigan. Genya was gifted to the queen while the general kept the girl for himself.

Growing up he kept her in his grand room that had a separate room for her. He would bring her everything she wanted in exchange for her to always stay in the room.

She would be happy in there. It was safe and had everything she wanted. Except for others. Genya.
She missed her growing up. They would only get to see each other once in a while.

She grew extremely close to the general. But he had secrets he wouldn't share. She never thought of herself as one until she was a 18 when she heard the whispers people spoke passing by the room.


Authors note:
I'm excited to start writing
this. I have been in love with
Shadow & Bone for years.
Anyways let me know what
you guys think!

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