Chapter 2

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After a long journey they had finally made it to Novyi Zem. Lilian spent most of her time looking at the sea. She didn't know what was going to happen next.

She was lost without him. He had taught her everything she knew and now he was gone.

Lilian was alone.

Alina would sit by here not forcing a conversation.
She would make her presence known for her.
After the first couple of days Lilian would open up just a little bit but not too much.

After they docked they went to the check in station. The guy with the cane had given them papers to get in.

Lilian always was the type of her person to sit back and observe. She knew he was a type of man who would do anything for the people he loved. He never showed emotion but she could tell from his eyes.

Mal was a fighter and a lover. He's the type to run headfirst into danger without knowing what he truly getting into.

Alina was a caring type of person. She would do anything to protect others. She was the type of woman who would use her voice rather than keep quite.

After waiting in line they finally got up to the man and they got into the country. They had gotten a hotel room for the night.

It was one room. It was big with a private bath. She sat down on the chair and closed her eyes. She missed her sister. She wished Genya was safe.

After Alina and Mal talked he headed of to the port. Alina and Lilian went to the library to look at maps.

She didn't know how long they were there but at one point Alina rested her head while she looked at the maps.

All of a sudden Alina jumped up. "Are you alright?" Lilian asked as Alina looked up and around the room before rester her eyes on her. "Um I'm fine. It was a bad dream."

Lilian looked at her for a second and nodded. She could tell there was more to it but didn't ask. Alina asked one of the lady's if there was a different map.
So Alina followed the lady while Lilian stayed seated.

After a few moments Alina put the map back and picked up a paper and just stared at it. A lady shouted sun summoner and Lilian got up and ran away with Alina.

They ran in the streets and found Mal getting attacked by the first army. Alina used her powers and they ran to him.

The general yelled and they panicked. But the people of this city blocked their way so they could escape.

It was a long day of running. It was now nightfall and they were at the port. They made a plan to charter it. They ran to the people asking for passage. Alina gave the lady gold and they were about to board but was interrupted.

It was the same general and the members of the first army. "You stop!" The girl took a couple steps toward him. "You want a fight Ravka. Hey?" He said putting her tomahawk.

"That man is a deserter of the First army. He belongs in our custody." He replied. "Is that so? Alright then. Ravka wants a fight!" She yelled as everyone put their weapons up.

"I don't want to escalate the fight with Shu Han." He said. The man took out his sword and twirled it around. "We're not with Shu Han. We're independent."

"Maybe save your bullets for the war, old man?" The girl said. "First army needs to know it's place." She added as they walked away.

We board the ship and they take us to the captain.
"Request for charter captain." The Shu man says while opening the door. We walk in and are met with a younger man with a teal coat.

"Immediate charter." Mal says as Alina walks past him. "He means we need to leave right now."
Lilian walks in behind her. He's leaning against his desk with a candle burning next to him.

"Let's be clear about two things. I don't take orders on my own ship and and we're already underway. I'm glad you joined us. Now, maybe you'd be so kind as to give the room a little light.

After all you are Alina Starkov. A 20-million-Kruger saint. Dead or Alive." He said while putting his gun on the table with he's eyes only on Alina.

He's eyes didn't even go to Mal but he varied off to Lilian's. He looked her up and down and paused. "You must be the shadows secret." He said in a amused tone. "I've heard about you. The pretty young girl the darkling kept away from others in his room."

Lilian wanted to die. How in the saints did he know?

Alina stepped in front of her. "Enough about her."
"No point in denying it miss Starkov." He said changing the subject. "You are the sun summoner."
She looked at him. "Your right I am." Alina replied as her hands lit up putting it on each sides of her.

He whistled. "Impressive. And it's not often I say that." He said pointing his finger at her. "Let us go or you'll be out 20-million-Kruger and a ship." Alina said with a hint of anger in her voice.

He leaned forward in his chair. "While I'm aware you could consign us all to the watery deep." He got up from his chair and walked over to his liquor and poured himself a glass. "You should really consider how far from the docks we are. Besides. I'm not handing you over to the Fjerdans."

"Your not?" Alina asked. "Saints no. Sorry, is it offensive to say that in the presence of a living saint?" He asked in a soft tone.

Mal and Alina just looked at each other while Lilian turned around at looked at the guy in front of the door. They held eye contact with each other and Lilian turned her head back around to look at the captain.


Authors note:
I never knew how long it
took to write down and copy
the dialogue. Anyways I hope
you guys like this.

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