Chapter 15

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The group left the room and walked outside. They saw dead bodies lined up in the grass. Jesper and Wylan helped Lilian while the twins helped Nikolai.

"Long may the night carry our souls, until dawn renews us." Toyla recited helping Nikolai sit down. "Rabinov. Canto seventeen." Kaz said and Toyla nodded. "Seems we both share an appreciation for life's beauty." Toyla said and Kaz just stared at him.

Nikolai groaned. "Are you okay?" Tamara asked and he merely nodded. "A moment of sun before we deal with our losses. Dominik." Tamara but her hand on his arm. "He did exactly what any of us would've done for each other. For you."

Shouts were heard and everyone looked and saw Alina, Mal, Nina, and Inej walk down the hill. Mal walked away and Alina stopped and watched him. Inej walked up to her and talked to her.

Jesper just shoved Lilian into Wylan and ran to Inej giving her a big hug. "And Kirigan." Nikolai asked and Lilian looked down. "Dead. Zoya is protecting the body. Alina wants it burned." Inej reported.

They stood up. "Thank you. My country might have been sunk if you hadn't arrived. Again." Nikolai said. "We'll settle those thanks in gold." Kaz said and he nodded walking away with the twins.

Lilian sat on the bench watching the crows talk.
She got up and was about to walk away when someone spoke. "Shadow." A man said and Lilian turned to see Kaz.

"Dirtyhands" Lilian said and he rolled his eyes. "Do you still have his powers?" He asked her. She looked down at her hands and called to the darkness. She hummed and looked at him. "I guess even in death I'm still tied to him."

Kaz walked closer to her. "You have to be careful with your shadows. If people find out that you still have his power. They will come for you." He warned her.

"Let them try." She said walking away.

Later on they arrived at the heart of where the food used to be. Lilian stood in between Alina and Genya.
She didn't hear a thing Nikolai said, she only stared at Kirigan's body.

Genya, Zoya, Alina, and her took a touch and each lit him on fire. They sat and watched the body burn. She looked and Nikolai and walked away.

Lilian said her goodbyes to each other the crows. Kaz stood in front of her. "Back to Ketterdam." She asked him and he nodded. "What are you going to do?"
He looked at her. "Build my city back up." 

She smiled. "Seems like a good plan." She said. "If you ever find yourself needing something or plan to visit Ketterdam. Find me and we'll help." He said and she nodded. "I will make sure to bring Nikolai to pay you with the finest gold."

He smirked and help out his and and she shook it.

After a few days it was peaceful. Nikolai's coronation is today and Lilian got ready in her room. It was huge. She put on her dress and looked in the mirror and barely recognized herself.

A knock at the door came. "Come in." She called and the door opened revealing Nikolai. "What do I owe the pleasure of your company?" She asked him and turned to looked at him instead of facing him in the mirror.

He looked at her for a second. He seemed scared. "Nikolai what's the matter?" She said walking over to him. "I don't know. Can I tell you something if you promise to not tell anyone no matter what?" He asked her.

She nodded. "Of course." He looked down breathed in and out. "After the nichevo'ya attacked me it stabbed me with it's whatever and it never healed."

She had a confused look form on her face. "What do you mean it should have healed." She said and he shook his head.

"When I was getting dressed it started hurting. So I took off my shirt and saw darkness in it. I looked in the mirror and saw a nichevo'ya in the mirror. It was my reflection." Nikolai explained to her.

"May I see it?" She asked him and he nodded. He moved his straps and unbuttoned his shirt and taking it off. He clears his throat and she looked at the wound.

Lilian lifted her hands and touched his skin around the wound. He flinched and she apologized. She looked and he was right. There is darkness.

She felt it flow through his body at her touch.

She removed her hands and he put on his shirt. They stared into each others eyes. "That's not good. When I touched you, I felt darkness. I felt shadows. I've only ever felt it when I touched the darkling."

He nodded his head. "I don't know what to do next but you cannot tell anyone. Not anymore yet. Keep it between us. If they find out that the king bares the darklings shadows the nation will fall." She said.

"Thank you Lilian." He whispered and he noticed how close they were. She could feel his breath on her face.

"It's bad that one of us has his power let alone two." She mimicked him and whispered back. She looked down at his lips and back to his eyes.

A knock at the door broke them apart. "Yes." She called out. It was only Genya. Nikolai looked at Lilian nodded and walked out leaving the sisters alone.

"Wow you look beautiful." Genya said hugging her. "As do you." She said with a smile. "The ruby suites you." Lilian added and Genya smiled sadly. "It does."

"You ready for this?" Genya asked her and she nodded. "Let's go see Alina." Lilian said as the walked out the room headed to the sun summoner.

Authors note:One more chapter to go!!Dress from Valentino HauteCouture Fall 2015I hope you guys enjoy!-TPWK

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Authors note:
One more chapter to go!!
Dress from Valentino Haute
Couture Fall 2015
I hope you guys enjoy!

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