Chapter 4

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Lilian felt like she had closed her eyes for a moment and next thing she knew it was bright out. She grounded and sat up.

She looked up to see Alina staring at her. "Morning Lilian." She hummed in response and got up from the hammock.

"Almost ready." Alina said tying her boot. Lilian put on her boots and tied them. "Just keep your eyes open around Sturmhond. I think he's hiding something." Mal said as they walked up the stairs.

"We're not here to make friends with him." Alina said and Mal nodded his head. "He's made that clear enough. Can't even bother to learn my name. It's not even a long name." Mal said sticking his hands in his pocket.

Lilian chuckled at his sentence. He turned to her. "What's so funny about that?" She shook ear head. "Nothing." She said patting his shoulder walking side by side with Alina.

They opened the door to see the crew working together, maintaining the ship. Alina looked around at everyone. "He has both otkazat'sya and grisha on his crew." Mal looked around at the crew.

"No first or second army. Just-" Mal stated. "Equals. Imagine if our camps were like this. First and secondly army together." Alina finished his sentence.

"The food would taste much better." Mal said as Alina chuckled.

They walked up to the deck and Mal looked at a lever. He went to pull it but was interrupted.
"Woah. Definitely don't touch that. So miss Starkov, Lilian. Let's say we chart the course to your destiny to find the sea whip." Sturmhond said walking up to them.

Alina was opened her mouth to say something. "That will be me. I'm the tracker." Mal said eyeing him up.
He grabbed something from his neck and revealed a compass. "My lucky compass. Seen my through thick and thin. Okay then, tracker. Which way is North?"

Mal looked out to the water. "We'll I can tell you a few ways. Based on the position of the sun and my shadow. Based on the direction that we're sailing in and based on. It's that way." Mal nodded his head.

Sturmhond turned around and checked his compass.
"Let me introduce you to our navigators. Now what did you say your name was again?" He asked putting his arm around Mal's shoulder leading him to them.

Alina and Lilian looked at each other. "Oi, sun summoner, join us." One of the girls said. Alina looked at her and back at Lilian. She nodded and Alina walked over by them.

Alina was talking to the twins and some of the crew and Mal was talking to the navigators, so Lilian went below deck back to her hammock.

She descended down the stairs and found no one in sight. She would have peace and quiet. She looked around and found her In Sturmhond's quarters.

The door was open so she went inside looking around at everything. She saw a sword and picked it up running her finger across the blade.

"What are you doing in here little shadow?" A voice said. She jumped and turned around to see Sturmhond standing there closing the door with a shove of his hand.

She put the sword down and didn't turn to him. "Nichyevo, Looking." She muttered out. She was dumb to come in here. She didn't know what kind of man he was.

She heard him breath out. "It is not very nice to snoop around someone's quarters. Kei ryezich Ravkayash?" He asked.

She finally turned to him. "Da." She said. "The black general taught me. He taught me everything I know."
He moved closer to her. "Of course, you grew up at the little palace. I wouldn't put it past you."

"Why did you come with Alina?" He asked in a serious tone. "I needed a new life. One that I could take control of. But I left my sister behind and I am praying that she is safe."

He nodded his head understanding. "What is she like?" She looked down. "She is the best person. She is kind and beautiful. I was never really able to see her she was off to attend to the queen while I sat in the darkling's room."

He froze and the last part. She gazed into her eyes. "What is you full name?" She looked at him slightly confused. "Lilian Safin." He looked at her not saying anything.

He hummed and backed away. She was confused but didn't push. He poured himself a drink and sat down in his chair looking her in the eyes.

"You have a different side to yourself that you don't share with others." He said and she moved around the room. "I don't know how to let people in. I've only ever talked to five people before I met Alina."

"Right, your the secret that got out." She stopped and looked at him. "Can so kindly not call me a secret." He scoffed. "Of course, milaya." She narrowed her eyes to his.

She just ignored the comment. "If you'll excuse me I have to get back to Alina." He nodded his head and she left without another word. She closed his door and she looked at it and took a deep breath.

"Are you alright?" A deep voice said and she turned to see the Shu boy. "I am thank you very much." She breathed out.

"I'm Toyla." He stuck out his hand. She took it. "I'm Lilian." He smiled. "May I ask what your business was with Sturmhond?"

"I was just looking around and found his quarters without permission. He found me and we struck up a conversation. That was about it." She explained playing with her hands.

He looked down and her hands and back at her eyes. "It's a surprise your still in one piece." Her face dropped. "He never lets anyone go in tact when they put their noses in his business."

She had no words. "I'll know that next time." He stared at her for a second. "Let me walk you back to your sleeping quarter." He said stepping out the way letter her walk first.

It only took a minute to walk her back. She found Alina and Mal talking. They said their goodbyes and she sat under the stairs. She looked up to see them staring at her.

"What?" She asked. Alina smiled at her. "He fancy's you." Lilian's face was neutral. "What?" She said looking between the two. "What does that mean?" She finished.

Alina's face dropped. She sat down next to her explaining everything.


Authors note:
Ravkan: Nichyevo - nothing
Kei ryezich Ravkayash - do you speak Ravkan
Da - yes
Milaya - sweet girl
Anyways comment what you guys think!

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