Chapter 9

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The rest of the day Lilian was planning on tracking him, gathering things and preparing her speech.
No body had bothered her all day until it was almost night time. She was just about to start when a knock intervened.

"Come in." She yelled and the door opened revealing Alina. "Hey." She said and Alina closed the door behind her and walked up to her. "What is this that you are doing?" Alina asked curiously.

Lilian opened her mouth and closed it, thinking of things to say. "Um Nikolai gave me some maps so I can see where Kirigan might be based." She said and Alina nodded her head.

"Sounds good, um Nikolai called for a feast for everyone to come. So you might want to change and come to the dining hall. It starts within the hour."
Lilian nodded her head and Alina left.

Lilian left everything at the table and put on a appropriate outfit and walked out the door towards the hall. It didn't take long and she saw almost everyone there. She found Mal and sat down at the table.

She looked at the royal table at the front of the room and saw Alina sitting there. They made eye contact and talked with their eyes. Lilian knew Mal was not going to like it.

Nikolai said his announcement of his engagement and they all started eating. Lilian grabbed some of the fruit and nibbled on it zoning out. She hopes she can get to Kirigan. She needs to find a safe area to go.

So she thought and spoke up. "Is there a room in her that is plain and safe." She immediately regretted saying it. Everyone turned their attention to her. "I believe there might be. Can I ask what this is about?" Tamara asked. Lilian looked at her.

"I just need a place to think. Everything in her is distracting and I can't focus." Lilian said. They nodded. "I know just the place." Tamara said and she smiled at her.

After they were done she had gone to bed and rested for the big day tomorrow.

After a goods night rest, she found out Alina was training, and so Lilian stayed in her room reading. A knock at the door came, so she got up and opened it.
It was Toyla. "We need you in the war room now." He said and they left.

They walked to the room and she found David. Toyla walked right next to him. "David." She nodded. He looked at her a waved. The door opened revealing Nadia, Alina, and Tamara.

"Oh so you guys do know him. He claims to have escaped a very alive general Kirigan. He gave himself up without struggle. We found this on him." Nikolai said handing a journal to Alina.

"He says it's one of Morozova's journals. I for one am dying to know more, but he insisted he speak to you." Nikolai explained glaring at him. "Alina." David started with taking a step forward but was pushed back by Toyla.

"I know I wronged you. Please believe I regret my role in that deeply. I know you have reasons to distrust me but I have no loyalty to general Kirigan."
Alina looked at him. "He survived the volcra?"

David shook his head. "I'm afraid so. He also know you survived the fold and you guys are in East Ravka." He said will looking at Lilian. "Tell us where he is." Mal asked.

"No, no, no. Mm-mm. That would be a very bad idea-" Alina spoke up. "You can't expect us to trust you unless you share information." David took s deep breath. "Confronting him would be suicide. Kirigan used merzost to create something in the fold.  Creatures that do his bidding, the size of two men. Formed of pure shadow. They have no breath to take, no heart to stop, no blood to drain, yet they live."

David explained with everyone looked worried. "They live and they kill. They are nichevo'ya. Nothing. Bullets, blades, fire, all simply pass through and they walk freely in sunlight. I fear that merzost may be the only way to kill them."

May frowned. "So how do you manage to get away?"
David had guilt and sadness on his face and looked at Lilian. "Genya. We tried to escape together but the nichevo'ya. She sacrificed herself to get me out. I don't know is she survived. I'm sorry Lilian."

Tears filled in her eyes. "That lying bastard." She muttered out too loudly and everyone turned to her.
"A smart spy will always play the victim." Toyla said and David protested. "You make a valid point, Toyla. As leader of the second army this is your call." Nikolai said eyeing Alina.

Alina looked at Nadia and they whispered. Alina looked at Toyla. "Take him to a holding cell." Toyla and David walked away. Mal walked by the table in front of Alina. "We need a moment alone, please."

Nikolai nodded. "Of course." He whispered out and they all left. They walked their separate paths except for Lilian and Nikolai. "How are you holding up." He asked. She looked at him. "This is all so frustrating. Last night he said Genya was safe. He lied."

Nikolai stopped walking. "You talked to him last night?" He asked and Lilian stopped. "I went to bed and he came to me in a dream." Lilian put her hands on her arms. "I can try to sense him again and see him again. I can do it before the celebration. I would just be late."

She explained and he nodded. "Okay. That sounds like a good plan. I have faith in you." He said and she smiled at him. "I won't dissatisfied you." She said walking away.

She walked to her room and got ready. She found Tamara and she lead her to the room. She thanked her and got to work.

She focused all her energy and thoughts to him. The room was consumed into darkness. "Aleksander." She whispered. She felt his presence and opened her eyes to find her in the same room in the light.

She turned her head to the window to find him staring at her. "You called?" He asked and she turned her body to him. "How are you here?"
Her voice was quiet. "I wanted to find you, so here I am." He took a step closer to her.

"I came back for you and Alina. To finish what we started." He looked her in the eyes and put his hand out. She looked down and put her hand in his.


Authors note:
Here's the next bit.
Next chapter is going to
be hard to write. But I
hope you guys like it.

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