Chapter 7

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Lilian heard the impact from where she stood and flinched at the sound. She was not expecting Alina to do that. She looked over and the twins and they didn't look shocked.

After Nikolai talked with the general they off traveling on horseback. The twins in the front, Alina and Nikolai, and Mal and Lilian in the back. She could somewhat hear what they were talking about but ignored it.

Mal looked at her and smiled. She looked back at him and returned one.

As soon as Mal opened his mouth to speak they were already at the Spinning Wheel. They all got off of their horses and went inside.

Lilian walked off looking at everything and everyone. She walked down a hallway and looked at the paintings. "That one is my favorite." She turned to a voice and saw a women standing there.

"It's beautiful." She said and smiled. "My names Zoya." Lilian nodded her head to her. "I'm Lilian, nice to meet you." Zoya smiled. "As you."

Zoya eyes the girl and saw a ring on her finger. "That is a fine piece of jewelry you have on your hand." Lilian looked at her hand and paused. "Thanks, it was a gift from who was close to me." She said looking up at the women.

Zoya put her head down. "Yes, I'm guessing that the general gifted it." Lilian stopped breathing and turned pale. "I recognize you from the fold. You don't have to wear it. He's gone." Zoya looked back up at the girl.

"I don't know, I can't seem to get myself to do it, even after everything." She said looking Zoya in the eyes. She nodded. "I came to tell you that Prince Nikolai requests your attendance in the planning room."

Zoya showed her the way and thanked her. She stood next to Mal. "We've received accounts of First army units found massacred here, here, and here." Nikolai said pointing at the maps.

Mal spoke up. "Too far to be Shu incursions." Alina added. "Or Fjerdan." Nikolai nodded his head once and straightened his body. "There's good evidence these units were holding Grisha captive. Some reports say soldiers were mutilated. Some cut in half."

Lilian stopped breathing. It couldn't be. "It's Kirigan? Isn't it?" Alina asked. Nikolai turned his head to her. "We haven't been able to find his base camp." Mal interrupted. "No way he survived the fold."

Lilian lifted her head and turned to them. "He's survived before. Besides he's one of the only ones who can do the cut. Baghra yes, but this is him."

Alina nodded her head in agreement. "Is he's alive, word will reach out about your attempt in the fold." Nikolai said. Alina muttered out. "Attempt"

He shook his head. "No disrespect meant." Alina looked at him. "No your right, that's what it was. An attempt. You three saw my light, it was strong and angry, and dangerously off-kilter. I can train and master what I have but I'm afraid it won't be enough."

"We need to find the third amplifier." Mal said and Nikolai said "Firebird." He nodded. "The more we search for it we are at the mercy of your protection in this country." Alina told him.

"Well, until then a proposal. We can try to stop this country from falling apart and tell the Fjerdans to shove their bounty up their ass in the process." Nikolai explained. "How do you propose to do that?" Alina asked him.

"I bring you under the wing of the royal family, my name becomes a shelter to you and a banner under which we can enact change." He said and Mal spoke up. "Your name?" He looked at him.

"Wait? This is a proposal proposal? Your suggesting marriage?" Alina questioned. "I'm not proposing a love match. Just a political alliance of Grisha and otkazat'sya." Nikolai answered.

"Well, that's what royal marriages are, aren't they? Strategy." Mal said and he nodded. "Precisely. Maybe we don't even get to marriage. An engagement sights a strong commitment to cooperation and it will allow us to enact a meaningful change in Grisha and Ravka. I've seen what you both mean to each other. I understand if you decline. But I hope you weigh the options and consider the benefit."

He nodded to Mal and grabbed Lilian's arm and lead them out of the room for privacy.

He let go of her arm and she let out a breath. "How are you handling all of this?" He asked and she looked up at him. "Considering everything that had happened in the past couple of hours I'm debating punching you." She explained.

He lightly laughed. "I would like you not to, my face has gone through a lot." She laughed at him. He lead them into a hallway. "I don't want to believe it but I know he's been back for a while." Lilian said.

Nikolai stopped walking. "What do you mean?" He asked. Lilian looked down at her hands and back at his eyes. "After the events on the fold. I have been getting these powerful feelings. Waves of dark energy surrounding me. The fold enhanced it and made me collapse."

Nikolai stared at her for a moment. "Can you feel him now?" He asked and she closed her eyes. After a couple of seconds she opened them again and looked into his eyes. "Yes." She whispered out.

"How?" He asked taking a step closer to her. "I'm connected to him. I know it sounds bad but I can sense him and sort of communicate with him." Lilian said to him and he looked down at her.

"Does he say things to you?" She shook her head. "Not anymore, he used to before everything but he hasn't been able to sense me or communicate."

He nodded lightly at her. "How can you do that?"
She looked at him and sighed. She put her palmed together and in the next second they were consumed into darkness.  


Authors note:
This took me a while to
write but I hope you guys like
It. I'll try to write and post the
next chapter as soon as I can.

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