Chapter 16

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(Authors note: I did change the ending a bit. I write the coronation scene that Lilian is there and I also had her go to the crows so she heard what Kaz said about the drug. I hope you guys like it!)

Lilian and Genya headed to Alina's room and picked up Zoya on the way.

They talked and they opened the door to see Nikolai and Alina talking. "Oh Genya and Zoya are me escorts." Alina said and Lilian acted offended. "What am I dead? Kidding that was horrible. Never again."

Nikolai chuckled. "Well, I shall leave you to it." He said walking away from Alina. He walked past the girls and nodded to them and his gaze lingered on Lilian before he walked out.

Zoya sat down and Genya went up to Alina and put her hands on her face. "You really could have asked for my help instead of whatever team Nikolai sent. I miss pulling straw from your hair after scrapping with this one." Genya said sitting down next to Zoya.

"We're on the same side now. I mean, as much as that might be boring I'm actually rather pleased about it." Zoya said looked at Alina.

"And Ravka is next. I think the four of us can begin to fix what's been broken." Alina said grabbing Lilian and Genya's hands. "You're asking for our help?" Genya asked. "Of course she is, we're fantastic." Zoya said to her.

"Where do we start?" Lilian spoke up. "I'd like you, Genya to oversee things here at the palace. I'd like it to be a refuge for anyone. Grisha or otkazat'sya, who needs a safe haven. Like the spinning wheel. And you, Zoya. I'd like for you to be in charge of Grisha training." Alina explained.

"I think I can whip them into shape." Zoya said. "As long as no actual whips are involved." Genya said standing up. "I make no promises."

"Oh and I don't want Grisha defined by their orders. No more colored keftas." Alina said. "That's a lovely idea." Genya said. "But I look amazing in blue." Zoya said.

"And finally Lilian. Beautiful, sweat Lilian. I would like you to keep up with information on Mal and his new crew and also the crows. I see Kaz Brekker takes a liking in you, so use it." Alina said holding her hand.

"Shall I take a trip to Ketterdam after the day is done?" Lilian asked her and she smiled.

"As for me. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my friends and I think Ravka would do good with some too. I have a very important blade to return to Shu Han and I'm hoping to make some alliances while I'm there. We've been estranged long enough." Alina said.

"The four of us can do a lot of good together." Genya said and as they smiled. "Our little triumvirate." Zoya said.

Everyone filled into the hall to watch Nikolai be crowned. She has a huge smile of her face when she saw Nikolai stand up with the crown on his head.

This king will do some good.

Everyone clapped and cheered but was interrupted by a Grisha attaching them. A heartrender.

Everyone clutched their chests and they fell to the group. A lot of them ship up blood and died. Lilian conjured her power just as she was about to use the cut, a cut flew over her head and cut the girl in half.

She widened her eyes and turned her head to see Alina. She saw darkness spread across her face. She could see a faintness of a smile.

She used merzost.

Alina looked at Lilian face and hers dropped. Lilian looked around the room to see a lot a bodies and blood.

She looked over at Nikolai and they made eye contact. She tilted her head. Alina also contained a fraction on his power. This was going to be a mess.

She checked on Genya and Zoya to make sure that we're okay. "I'm guessing I'm going to have to go to Ketterdam right away." Lilian said.

She looked over at Nikolai and she nodded at him and she ran off.

After she got into her room she changed and packed a bag. She wrote a note and left right away.

After Lilian got into the city she took a deep breath. She looked around to see that is was different. Darker.

She walked around the city for any site of Kaz or the Dregs. After searching for an hour she finally found them.

She walked into the building she first spotted Jesper. She walked closer to him. "Jesper." He turned to her and had a surprised expression. "Lilian? What are you doing here?" He asked her while giving her a friendly hug.

She pulled away and an uncomfortable face. "I didn't come for pleasure or a friendly face. I'm on the kings order. I need to talk to Kaz right away." She said and he nodded and lead her to him.

He knocked at the door opened revealing someone she didn't know. Jesper put a hand on her shoulder and leaned into her ear. "He's not in a good mood." He whispered. "When is he not." She whispered back and he walked away.

She stepped through the door and the man lead her to Kaz. "Boss, you have a visitor." He said and Kaz turned around to see her standing there. He looked her up and down. She was wearing the same outfit as the day the fold fell.

He looked at the man a nodded and the man left them alone. She stepped closer to him. "You are a long way from home shadow." Kaz said looking through papers sitting down at his desk.

"I thought it was time to take a trip as see you're lovely faces." Lilian said with an amused tone.
He looked at her through his eyebrow. "I'm here on the kings business." She said in a more serious tone.

He put down his papers and lifter his head to look at her fully. He gestured her to sit down and she did.
"Something has happened at the coronation. A Grisha attack." She said and he looked at her with a straight face. "Why is this any of my concern." He said leaning back and putting his hands together.

"She wasn't just any Grisha. She was strong enough to killing a room full of people all at once. She was chanting while she did it." Lilian explained and she saw his face change in the slightest.

"You know what it is. Tell me." She said to him. He looked down and stood up. He grabbed his cane. She noticed it was new. She liked the old one better.

"Follow me." He said limping out of the room. She followed him and she saw Jesper, Wylan, and Nina in the room.

"You three." Kaz said as they stood up listening to him. "An opportunity has presented itself. The most lucrative job we've ever taken. There's a new weapon about to hit the market." Kaz explained as Lilian listen to him carefully.

"If it does, it could make the destruction of the shadow fold seem like a spring picnic. Every corner of the world would feel the effects. It's a drug called Jurda Parem. Highly addictive, and if Grisha take it, their power is amplified a thousand times over."

Kaz said and looked at her for a second and looked back at the crows. "The chemist who created it fled Kerch once he realized what he'd done but the Fjerdans caught him. He now awaits trail. If the Fjerdans weaponize this drug the consequences would be unimaginable."

Lilian looked back up at Kaz. "Everything we've ever known, every strength we've relied upon shattered. Any questions?" Kaz said to them.

Lilian sat down and thought about all the wrong things. If she gets infected by it she could do anything. Maybe even recreate the fold. She would become the next heretic.

Lilian needed to find the drug and destroy it.

Authors note:
That's the end of this book!
I had a really fun time writing
it and I hope you guys enjoyed.

I'm praying that we get a season
3 and Six Of Crows spin off.

Anyways stream S2!!!!!

Anyways I will be writing more books.

I have a book in my drafts called
The Call of The Marked.
A teen wolf book.

If you guys are interested in that
let me know and I'll post the first
half of the book.

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