Chapter 13

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Lilian walked out of the building and towards one of Nikolai's ship. She saw everyone gathered outside. She saw Tamara sat her goodbyes to Nadia. She looked and saw Nikolai talking to Alina and Mal.

He walked away as Lilian walked to the pair. She stepped in from of them. Alina and Mal looked her up and down. "You clean up well." Alina said and Lilian laughed.

"I'd like to be prepared this time. I'm ready for anything that comes in our way. Good luck." Lilian said as she hugged each of them. She walked away.

She got on the ship and Nikolai nodded at her.
He began talking. "Since I was a child. I've been told hope was dangerous. I've been warned of it many times. But I know that hope if a wind that comes from nowhere to fill your sails and take you home."

Nikolai started and Lilian looked at him. "And I see it in your eyes, hope shines. Hope for a new Ravka. My brothers and sisters, I say to you, Grisha and otkazat'sya alike, this is our home and we will fight for it."

"May the saints light your way. For Ravka." He said putting on his hat and turning towards the crew and they took off.

It was smooth sailing until a solider saw something. "Commander what's that?" One of them said and Dominik looked out and saw Grisha. "They're not at Keramzin. Kirigan's Grisha are here." He said.

"Brace yourself!" Dominik yelled. "It's an ambush." Nikolai shouted and fire caught the sail and they were going down.

Once they hit the ground the survivors fled. Nadia was helping her brother up the hill. "This was their plan all along, not the orphanage, but to attack us here. Catch us off guard." Nikolai said as they climbed.

He leaned again a tree and bent over groaning in pain. "Maybe we should stop. Check your leg." Dominik said behind Nikolai. "No, we have to go back and find Alina. Have they seen us?" Nikolai said turning around.

Lilian walked further up the hill and turned around to see fire spreading. "Come on." Lilian shouted at them and they continued on.

"Keep Nikolai in front. Protect the king." Dominik said. "If we can get in through the moats and front gate before they catch us we might stand a chance." Nikolai said out of breath.

They heard a siren and felt the ground shake. They looked out and saw the fold move. "Saints help us." Dominik whispered. "Alina. Run!" Nikolai said and they ran towards the building.

They reached the edges of the building and ran. Lilian looked behind her to see his Grisha behind them. Just as the Grisha attacked them they jumped down and missed it and ran.

They ran throughout the walls of the outside. "We're nearly there. The entrance is just around the bend there's no time to reload. We're outnumbered here."

Lilian was at the back of the group and could barley keep up and hear what they were saying. Dominik stopped and sounded his whistle alerting everybody.

They ran around the corner and she saw Tamara run by. "Kirigan's Grisha. Head to positions!" Dominik and Nikolai yelled. They ran behind barricades. Waiting for them to come.

Lilian was across from Nikolai. She heard them yelling, rounding the corner. Guns went off and she saw Tamara and others get thrown back from fire from the Inferno.

Tamara sat up and was ready to keep going up Nikolai ran out and grabbed her pulling her to safety. The Grisha advanced closer and the soldiers fought to keep them at bay.

Smoke formed and blocked sight and soldiers ran through and fought. Lilian heard all kinds of noises and saw bodies from each side drop.

It was a blood bath.

After that happened only a couple were left. She saw icicles fall down and Dominik got hit. She looked over at Nikolai and saw his face. It was not good.

Tamara, Nadia, and Adrik made a move and dodged fire and went behind Lilian's barricade. It was crammed so Lilian stood up. She turned towards the Grisha and called to her powers.

She made the darkness block there view and ran to Nikolai. After she was safe it disappeared. The Grisha moved forward but was stopped by a bomb.

Lilian looked around. "Where did that come from?" Nikolai shouted at looked around only to find Kaz, Jesper, and a new face on the roof. "My demolitions expert." Kaz said to them. The boy questioned him and they looked at him. "I mean yes. Expert."

They got off the roof and walked over to the gate. Jesper opened it and him and the boy ran over by Tamara while Kaz limped over by them. "What nightmare have we gotten ourselves into?" He muttered to himself.

"Kaz." She greeted him. "Shadow." He said back to her sitting down. She heard Jesper speak up. "Why is Sturmhond here?" Tamara looked at him. "Around here he goes by Nikolai."

Jersper made a face and looked over at them and did a double take and smiled. "Nikolai Lantsov. All this time, close personal friend." He said twirling his guns.

"You know him." Lilian whispered. "I'll tell you later." Nikolai said back to her. Jesper got up and started shouting at them while Nadia and Adrik covered him.

They heard electricity and Kaz stood up and threw his cane catching it. "I have to Datura Meloxia" the boy said. "Wylan now." Kaz said and he got up and they threw the powder at him.

Tamara threw her axe and it killed him. The last Grisha yelled and threw her hand up only to not have her fingers. "You. Your a .." She said and Jesper smiled.

The sound of a gun clicked and she turned her head and looked to see Nikolai and he shot her in the throat. She bleed out and fell down. "Nice." Lilian said nodding. "It's done." He whispered lowering the gun.

They took a second to breathe and Kaz limped forward grabbing his cane. "I didn't realize you were patriots." Nikolai said looking at Kaz. He looked at his cane and looked at Nikolai. "Well if you die, we don't get payed." Kaz said lifting a eyebrow.

They heard someone coming and saw someone jump over only to see that it was Toyla. He ran forward and picked up his sister giving her a big hug.

"The blade. Did you find it?" Nikolai asked. "Inej has it. They've gone to find Alina and Mal" Kaz said and Lilian looked at him. "We have to do the same. If Kirigan brought the fight here. He's gunning for her." Nikolai said and Lilian nodded.

"I've cleared us a way into the fort, come on." Toyla said running away leading the group.

Authors note:
Only a couple chapters left.
I'm so excited to write it. I have
a lot of ideas.!!

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