Chapter 14

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The group was walking and all of a sudden Lilian fell to the ground and groaned in pain. "Fuck!" She shouted. She held onto her stomach feeling blood.

Everyone stopped and looked at her. Toyla ran to her and kneeled down. "What happened?" He asked her. She lifted her head and dropped in back onto the ground. "Kirigan. He's wounded." She said breathing through her nose.

They all looked confused and Toyla put his hands on her stomach. "How do you know." Nikolai spoke up.
She groaned and looked at him. "We're connected. Anything that happened to him happened to me. Vice versa." she explained.

The group went quiet. "So if he dies, you die." Kaz spoke up and they looked at him. "He wanted you tethered to him because he knows if Alina knew. He'd get to live." Kaz explained and Lilian nodded.

"Help me up?" She asked and Toyla and Jesper pulled her up to her feet. Tamara pulled out a piece of cloth and used a strap from Wylan's pack to put cover and apply pressure to her wound.

"Let's keep going." She said and put her arms around the both of them to keep her up and they walked away.

"The fold should have fallen by now." Nikolai said as they walked. "Did you find the firebird." Toyla asked Tamara. "Long story. It's Mal." She replied to him.
"I'm sorry did you say Mal if a bird?" Jesper spoke up. "You are stupid." Lilian said.

"Still no sign of Kirigan. We go in. We find Alina and Mal." Nikola said as they stopped in-front of the fold. Kaz limped forward. "Here." He said handing Nikolai his cane. "Don't you need it?" He asked.

"I've got more experience with pain." Kaz said as he grabbed the cane from him. Lilian frowned at Kaz and he ignored her look. The next thing she knew is that they were in. Surrounded by darkness.

They walked through the halls and stopped when they spotted Grisha. They all ran into a room and Lilian fell down as Jesper sealed the door shut.

"I know we're in a bad situation but my blood is turning black." Lilian spoke up and they ran to her. "Saints that not good." Jesper said. Lilian narrowed her eyes at him. "You think?" She said sarcastically.

They heard a noise and saw a nichevo'ya seep through the glass-stained windows. "Everybody back." Tamara said and Kaz was confused but amazed. "Kirigan's shadow monster."

"But without the blade, how do you kill a shadow?" Wylan said with fear in his voice. "All we have is this." Adrik said and him and Nadia summoned wind but it was no use it reformed.

"Shield your eyes." Wylan shouted and threw something at it. It worked and Jesper cheered. "Yes! My man! We haven't actually put a label on it, yeah? I mean, he did that" He stuttered out.

Lilian chuckled at him. Hey heard growing and it reformed. "Son of a bitch." Lilian muttered out.

They were prepared to fight it when they saw that the outside turned light. She did it. Lilian stood up and leaned against a pillar. "Why is it still here?" Tamara asked. "The sun can't kill it." Toyla said.

He ran forward and started to attack it but he was pushed back. Nikolai went forward and tried hitting it with the cane and it didn't work. It pierced him through the shoulder and lifted him up.

"Everyone down now." Lilian yelled and once everyone was down Lilian conjured up enough power and used to cut on it just above Nikolai.

It barely did anything to it but it was enough for it to drop him. Toyla grabbed him. Nikolai stood up and walked over by Lilian. "Thank you." He said.

All of a sudden the nichevo'ya disappeared. Everyone smiled and cheered. As everyone celebrated Lilian's breath left her lungs. Black blood pooled out of her mouth and she fell to her knees. "Lilian!" Nikolai shouted and fell down with her.

They all looked at her. "She did it." She whispered and fell on her back. "No, Lilian your going to be fine." Nikolai said as he looked from her stomach to her face.

"It's okay. I'm ready. Live your lives knowing the fold and the darkling are gone. Be happy and live your dreams." Lilian muttered out to the group.

Tears fell from her eyes. "Tell Alina I'm sorry." Lilian said looking at Nikolai and he nodded. She closed her eyes and took her last breath.

The group fell into silence.

Lilian opened her eyes and saw her old room and the little palace. She got off the bed and walked until she got into the war room. She saw someone. "Hello?" She called out and they turned around.

It was Baghra.

"Child. What are you doing here?" She asked and Lilian looked at her confused. "I died and now I'm here. Kirigan and I died together. Linked."

Baghra walked closer to her. "That should not have happened. You need to go back now before it's too late." Baghra said pushing her back.

"What do you mean?" Lilian asked. "You're not dead yet. Go back to your puppy prince and live your life." She said and Lilian fell down and drew in a breath.

Lilian opened her eyes and air filled her lungs. She sat up and looked around. "How the hell am I here?" She asked and saw Tamara sitting by her smiling. "Thank you." She said and pulled her into a hug.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Kaz said. She looked at him to see him smirking. The twins helped her up. She looked down at her stomach to see that she wasn't bleeding, but the wound was shut.

That was definitely going to leave a scar.

Authors note:
This was hard to write.
I hope you guys like this chapter.
I'm going to write one or two more

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