Chapter 12

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General Kirigan had the kid come in and do something with his hand. Most likely giving him a prosthetic. "Have you felt any change?" He asked.
"To be honest sir, nothing. I thought maybe when she died-" Vladim said. "You will. After this." Kirigan interrupted.

"I set aside the remaining bone dust to select Grisha. Where would you like me to fuze this portion to you sir?" Kirigan hesitated for a second. "She used to pull me around by my wrist as a child. Now, she can do it for an eternity." He said bringing up his arm.

Vladim stood up and sprinkled the dust onto his wrist and grabbed the prosthetic. "Once you bond with her as an amplifier her last memories may give you some peace." He said as he bound the prosthetic to his arm.

After Vladim left the darkling stood up and walked over to Lilian sitting in the chair opposite of her. "Have I ever told you about the three amplifiers?"
Lilian looked up at him confused. "I recall you telling me about them briefly." She said.

He stared at her for a moment. "Alina has the Stag and the Sea Whip. She was looking for the third, the Firebird. All three creatures. But this time the Firebird isn't a creature in this lifetime. It's a person." He explained.

Lilian thought for a while and looked up at him. "It's Alina's tracker." He muttered out. Her face dropped. "Mal?" He merely nodded him head. "The one person who was not important to me is now one of the most important thing right now."

Lilian looked down at her hands. "Alina won't have the guts to kill him and take the power but I am more than happy too." Kirigan said looking her in the eyes.

"She won't let that happen." He got up and took a couple steps closer to her. "Anything is possible." He whispered in her ear and walked away.

Lilian barely slept. She was hurting too much. She had found out that three of Kirigan's grisha have amplifiers from Baghra's remains.

Kirigan visited Mal. Of course he would. Taunting, threatening Mal. Having him know that he knows.

Just saw Kirigan was about to leave he visited Lilian. "What do you want?" She asked him in a unamused tone. "I came to let you go." He said as she looked at him confused. "Why?" He simply looked at her. "I have no use for you for what I'm about to do."

Kirigan grabbed her arm gently and unchained her.
"I do hope we will see each other soon." He said kissing her forehead and leaving her behind.

She walked out after a few moments. She looking around to see no one there. She simply ran.

Lilian felt like she had be running for hours. She had made it to were they were. She saw people getting ready to fight. She ran inside and ran through the halls until she found someone she knew.

She saw Tamara walk out the war room. "Tamara?" She yelled out. She turned her head and paused. "Lilian?" She said as they both ran to each other.

She pulled her into a hug. "You're back." Tamara said and pulled away. She looked at her face and his face dropped. "I need to bring you to Alina and Nikolai right now." She said and lead her away.

Tamara opened the door to the room and everyone stopped talking and looked up to see them. Alina's face light up and ran over to Lilian pulling her into a hug. "Thank the Saints your back." Alina said with a light laugh.

Lilian smiled and hugged her back. They pulled apart and Alina saw her face. "He did this?" She looked her in the eyes and Alina's face dropped.

She looked over and Genya ran into her arms praising the Saints she is here.

"We need to stop him now." Alina said walking over to Nikolai. "He's already a head of whatever you are planning." Lilian spoke up. She looked at Nikolai just to see him staring at her.

She ignored his stares and looked at Alina. "Some of his most trusted Grisha are bound with Baghra's remains. They are amplified by her power. Lucky for us there's only three or four of them."

"He is already has his soldiers spread out. When he let me go he said something. He said I have no use for what he's about to do. I believe he is going into the Fold." Lilian explained to them.

Alina and Mal looked at each other. Lilian looked at everyone's faces. Seems like they we're already on the conversation of the fold when she came in.

Mal sighed at looked at Alina. "You have to be the one to kill me or it doesn't work." Mal said and Alina interrupted. "We have to try this plan first. Trust me. If it doesn't work then..thank you. Can Tamar accompany us?" Alina asked Nikolai.

He looked over at Tamar. "Tamara makes her own decisions. Dominik and I will leave for Keramzin immediately. Adrik, Nadia, you're with us." Nikolai said picking up his hat.

"Wait let me come with." Lilian spoke up and everyone looked at her. "I can help fight against the his Grisha if we run into them." Nikolai shook his head. "You just came back. You are staying here."

He argued and Lilian looked over at Alina. "I am not needed here." Lilian said trying to convince Alina.
She looked at her for a second before speaking.

"Go with Nikolai. You spent time with his Grisha. You may be useful." Alina said and she looked at Nikolai and nodded. He looked at Alina and nodded. So Lilian left with them.

Tamara led Lilian to a room to change into spare clothes and to freshen up a little bit. "We had this made for you." Tamara said handing her folded clothing. "Black?" She said and looked at her.

"You are better than him. Take what is his and make it your own." She said walking out giving her privacy.
She put it on and put her hair in a long braid.

She looked in the mirror and looked at herself. She took a deep breath and walked and didn't look back.

 She took a deep breath and walked and didn't look back

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Authors note:Sorry it took so long to update I've been dealing with school and having bronchitis

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Authors note:
Sorry it took so long to update
I've been dealing with school and
having bronchitis.

Anyways the outfit inspo from
Ann Demeulemeester fall 2018
and war paint from Lexi from
The 100.

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