Chapter 6

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Lilian followed behind Mal while he talked with Alina. She sat on the bench and heard Sturmhond interrupt. "Who says you'll be on your own?"
She looked up to see him. "I want a front row seat to the light show, thank you very much."

He put his head down for a second. "Plus the King is on the other side of the fold. Ergo so is my payment."
Mal spoke up. "We'll we could definitely use your arsenal. Maybe some kind of fortified carriage?" Alina finished.

"Carriage? Land travel is so boring and it will take days. Come along." He said walked over to the lever.
"Prepare to decouple!" He shouted and the twins jumped aboard.

He was shouting commands and the next thing we knew, we were in the air. Alina ran over to Lilian and sat down next to her closing her eyes and grabbing her hand.

Mal was actually like a little boy. "Alina, Lilian you have got to see this!" Alina shook her head. "No I really don't." Lilian looked over at Mal. "No, trust me you guys do." Mal walked over to them and grabbed their hands dragging them over to the side.

Alina opened her eyes and they all looked out, amazed at the view. They laughed. "How is this even possible?" Lilian looked over at the landscape. "Did you expect any less?" Sturmhond called out to them.

"It's like you haven't even met me." He walked over and stood next to Lilian. "Years and years of designs and several dozen crashed prototypes." Alina whipped her head to him. "Crashed?" He turned his head over to her. "I call her the Hummingbird."

"Captain, the fold is in sight." Tamara called to him. "Next stop. Destiny." He said walking over and everyone following him.

Soon after they headed into the fold.

Nothing but darkness and creatures wailing. Lilian felt so small. "I hate this place." Mal muttered out. "Eh it's just a bit of pitch black and bloodthirsty monsters. What's not to love?" Lilian turned her head to Sturmhond as he said that. She light scoffed.

"Seems like a good day to kill some volcra." Tamara said handing him a gun. Mal sighs. "I'd much rather a hot bath and a book of sonnets." Toyla said. Tamara looked at him and smiled.

Mal turned to Alina. "Are you sure your ready for this?" Alina nodded. "I feel stronger than ever. This is my chance to finally eradicate it. For good."

Sturmhond and Mal looked at each other and Alina stepped forward and called to the light. Lilian looked around at the light, still amazed by the sight.

It was working but all of a sudden Lilian felt a wave of nausea and he legs gave out. "Lilian!" Mal yelled and crouched down by her. She was unconscious. Mal looked to Alina seeing her light start to flicker. "Alina?" Sturmhond looked at Mal and then Alina.

"What happening?" He shouted and Mal looked at him. "I don't know." Seconds later Alina collapsed and Mal was trying to wake her. They were casted into darkness and everyone heard the volcra.

"Kovu get us out of here." Sturmhond yelled backing up. The volcra swarmed them and they all started fighting.

Lilian and Alina woke up at the same time. "You're okay. You guys are alright." Mal kept repeating to them. Mal grabbed each of their hands. A volcra came right at them and Alina used her light to kill it.

They flew out of the fold getting flooded with sunlight but they were going down. "Kovu begin descent. Brace yourselves for landing." Sturmhond said and everyone scattered to find something to hold onto.

Lilian went by Toyla and he held onto her and they hit the group and everyone fell down. Seconds later they stopped moved. "Is everyone okay?" Sturmhond asked while getting to his feet.

They all walked to the side. Lilian walked over to Alina and Mal. "The folds too strong. I thought with two amplifier's, but it wasn't enough." Alina said as they stood up. "It's okay Alina. Don't burden yourself." Lilian asked putting a hand on her shoulder.

They heard a horn and they saw a bunch of the fist army soldiers marching towards them. They got off of the Hummingbird. "Well looks like we're about to enjoy a traditional Ravkan welcome." Toyla said with an amused tone.

"You've crossed illegally onto Ravkan soil. Identify yourselves." Sturmhond jumped down and took off his satchel. "I'll handle this." Alina looked at him. "What're you doing?"

The leader spoke up again. "Identify yourselves at once or be shot." Sturmhond looked at him. "Have I really changed much Raevsky? I know it's been a number of years but people swear I still remain boyishly handsome." He said taking off his jacket revealing a uniform.

"It can't be" the leader said looking at him. "Yes it is." Walking over to him. "Moi tsarevich" he said while kneeling making everyone kneel. "My prince."

Mal and Alina looked at each other while Lilian just stared at him. "We'd all but given up hope." He said standing up while Sturmhond shook his hand. "I present Nikolai Lantsov, major of the 22nd regiment, soldier of the Kings army, Grand Duke of Udova, and second son of his most royal majesty, King Pyotr the Third. Ruler of the Double Eagle Throne."

"You have got to be joking." Mal muttered out. "Saints." Alina whispered. "And in your own words as I recall, the greenest and most unless grunt you ever had the misfortune of commanding. At your service. I wanted to return sooner but I couldn't without them." Nikolai said turning his head to them.

"May I present my esteemed traveling companions, former cartographer and sometimes Saint, Alina Starkov and the Shadows Secret, Lilian Safin."

"Sol Koroleva we thought you were dead" Raevsky said and Alina walked up to Nikolai. "You lying bastard." She said while punching him in the face.


Authors note:
Here's the next chapter
sorry it look so long. I had
a writing block. But I hope
you guys like it.

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