Chapter 8

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Nikolai was speechless at the sight of darkness coming from her. He grabbed her arm and the darkness seeped back into her.

He looked her in the eyes. "How is this possible?" She took a step back from him. "I said I was connected to him but I also hold a fraction of his power." Lilian said looking at him.

She could see a hint of fear in his eyes. "Does anyone else know about you?" She shook her head. "No, I've kept it hidden."

He was about to say something else but was interrupted when someone came down the hallway. They back out of the ways and nodded at them. He turned around to make sure they weren't there anymore.

"Secrets are powerful but dangerous. I will kept yours Lilian in return you have to promise me that you are with us and not him." Nikolai said in a quite voice. She stepped closer to him looking him in the eyes. "I promise that my loyalty lies with you and Alina." She placed her hand on his heart.

He nodded. "Okay." He glanced down at her lips and back at her eyes. "I should show you were you will be staying." He said taking a step away from her.

He lead her to her room and they said their goodbyes. It was a beautiful room with red and white walls. Big bed and a private bath.

She walked straight into the bathroom and started the water. She gathered a robe and towels. She stepped in and started washing herself. After a couple of minutes of relaxing she got out, dried herself of and put on a robe.

She walked over to the closet and surprisingly found clothing. She picked out an outfit for tomorrow and laid it out on the couch. She put on a sleeping gown and climbed into bed and let sleep take her.

Lilian opened her eyes and she was back at the little palace. She got up and walked around. She went into the war room to find someone with their back turned away. 'Hello?' She called out to them. They turned around to see that it was Kirigan.

He stood there, alive and looking well. 'How is this possible?' She asked. He smiled. 'I wanted to see you.' He said walking around the table towards her.
He stopped right in front of her and placed his hand on her face.

'I have missed you, it's been lonely without you here with me.' He looked at her face and tilted it to him. 'Why wait until now to see me?' She asked him. 'I wanted to wait until you were here.'

Her face dropped. 'You know where I am?' His eyes didn't change. 'No, not exactly. Words spread like wildfire. The sun summoner is here. I figured after I was gone she would bring you in under her wing.'

'I saw you get attacked by Volcra. Show me your face.' She said and he obliged. She was speechless at the sight. She brought her hand and ran her fingers along the scars. His eyes never left hers.

'I had Genya try to fix it but they wouldn't.' He said and Lilian dropped her hand to her side and looked him in the eyes. 'She's with you? Is she alright?' She asked quickly. He merely nodded his head once.

'I will see you later my Lilian.' Kirigan said while kissing her temple and left her in the darkness.

Lilian woke up with a gasp. She looked around to find herself in her room. Alone. She grabbed her silk robe as a cover up and walked out of her room.

She wanted to go to Nikolai but she didn't want to bother him. So she walked around the halls and saw a little library. She walked in and looked around. Candles were lit so she could see.

She browsed and walked around to the other side of the shelf. Her eyes scanning over the spines of the books. "Looking for something?" A voice called out and she turned around to see Toyla.

She smiled and calmed her nerves. "I was just looking. I can't sleep." She said in a quite voice. He walked over by her. "Me neither. When I can't find sleep I read. Study poetry." He said picking up one of the books.

He handed it to her. She placed it in her hands and looked at the cover. Zyoma Maya Olya. "Moon of my life." She read out. "Have you read it?" He asked and she shook her head.

"You must. It is beautiful. Take it with you." He said and she smiled at him. "Thank you. I'll have to talk to you about it when I'm done." He smiled and he walked her back to her room.

"Sleep well Toyla." She said to him. He lowered his head. "Good night Lilian." He said walking away.
She closed the door and smiled.

She headed back to her bed and looked at the book in front of her and started reading.

By the time she knew it she was passed out.

A knock on her door woke her up. She sat up and called for them to come in. The door opened revealing Tamar. "Prince Nikolai would like a word with you in his quarters when your ready." She said and nodded. "I'll be right their." She nodded and closed the door.

She put of her outfit and brushed through her hair putting in up out of her face. She walked out and saw Tamra right outsider and she escorted her there.

She knocked on the door and it opened shortly after revealing him. "Come in." He said opening the door wider for her. She walked in and he closed it behind her.

She saw his room filled with green. She walked to the center of the room and turned to him. "You wanted to see me?" She asked and he stepped over by his desk and leaned on it.

"You said he can't track you right?" He asked and she nodded her head. "Can you track where he is?"
Lilian looked down. "I mean I used to but I don't know if I have the power to anymore."

He nodded his head. "What if you focus all your energy?" She looked back at him. "I could try but I can't promise anything." He walked over to her.
"You have my permission to try and track him."

She nodded her head and walked towards the door. "One more thing Lilian." He said and she looked at him. "Be careful." She nodded her head and walked out the door.


Authors note:
Here's the next part!
I'll try to update as often
as I can. Im really sick so
I'll try my best. I hope you like it.

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