Chapter 11

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Lilian feel down to her knees. "I promise you I have no idea where they are or what they have planned next." She stumbles out. He stepped closer to her and crouched down and took her face in his hand.

"I believe you." She left out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "But you don't serve a purpose in all of this." He said and her face fell. "Please Aleksander, you don't have to do this."

He stood up and walked to his desk. "I'll have them do the same thing they did to your sister. But I'll have them keep both of your eyes." He said and nodded to his nichevo'ya and they attacked her.

Back in the caves Nikolai walked away from everyone and opened up the paper.

'Dear Nikolai, I fear this may be the last thing I get to say to you. I pledged my loyalty to you so you will have it. Things may not work in my favor but I have a plan to you all safe. Please don't look for me, act as if I never existed. I have a plan to end him. You will be a good king for Ravka. Never change.
With all my heart and faith, -Lilian.'

Nikolai closed the paper with tears forming in his eyes. He marched to find Alina. 'Alina!' He shouted and she turned to him.

'Lilian's in danger, she plans to end things no matter the outcome. She might die.' He said with worry in his voice. Alina looked at him. 'We have to find her and get her away from him. Gather a group willing to retrieve her.' She said.

He shook his head. 'She said not too and I don't want to risk anymore lives.' Alina looked at him. 'We can't just do nothing.' She raised her voice.
'Okay, I'll think of something. She will return to us.'

Lilian woke up and saw that it was night. "You're awake. You were out longer than Genya." She turned her head to see him sitting in his chair staring at her.
"We have matching scars, like how is should be."

"I'm not like you." She said weakly. "Yet you hold a fraction of my power, wear my color, you are everything of me because of me. I gave you everything." He said and she tried to get up couldn't.

She looked down to she herself chained to the fireplace. She looked back up at him. Her eyes wondered to his hand covered in blackness. She looked back up at his eyes.

"That looks good. Your finally paying the price of everything you've done." Lilian scoffed out.

A knock came at the door. It opened revealing the same women as earlier. "General?"
"Take down the first army encampments." He said to her. "Understood. We will refocus our efforts and what of the sun summoner?" She asked.

"The whole world will hear it when I make her scream." He said and she disappeared. Lilian looked and him in fear. He got up from his chair walking to her. "You're not going to survive this." She spat out.

He bent down to her. "Really? I'll tell you something. If I die so do you." He said and her face dropped. "They may not care about me but you? The puppy prince, Alina, and Genya will. So better think of a different plan of trying to get rid of me."

She stared at him silently. "In a few hours we are riding out so be ready." Kirigan said standing up and walking out of the room.

Once the door was closed Lilian broke down.

She didn't know how long she was alone but the darkling bursted opened the doors and grabbed her. "Where are we going?" She asked and he ignored her. They walked through the halls until they reached the outdoors.

They got on a horse with a a group of Grisha and left.
The ride was completely silent.

They had finally arrived at a area and they got off of their horses and walked to the edge of the cliff. He called his shadows and created the cut releasing it over the entire town.

Lilian could hear the people screaming for their lives. Tears rolled down her face. "It's like the earth are them up." Vartra said. "The Keramzin orphanage is north of here." The woman said.

He pleaded. "We stay here tonight." Kirigan said. "Here? Before we take the orphanage? But sir, we were hoping-" He interrupted her. "Hope of a lie. An illusion. All in good time." He said and they walked away.

Lilian didn't bother listening to the rest of his speech. After they were done they set up the camp and she was placed in his tent.

After a few hours of being in silence she noticed him surrounded by darkness. He must be paying a visit to Alina. Praying for her to be safe. It lasted a while.

She stood up and saw him fall. She would have ran over to him but her chains didn't let her. He woke up and screamed. He held onto his arm. She saw he didn't have a hand.

She gasped and he broke down. It was the first time she saw him like this. She didn't know if she wanted to laugh or to cry but she didn't want to open her mouth. In fear he would retaliate.


Authors note:
Here's another update I
know this chapter sucks
but it will be getting better.
I'll try to write and publish
one more for today.

Anyways thank you guys for


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