Chapter 3

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It was silent for a moment. "Okay." Mal said as he sat down in the chair and Alina also sat down. Lilian stayed standing because there was only two chairs.

"What do you want with us then?" Mal asked him. "You? Nothing. Honestly, I'm not even sure who you are. But the sun summoner. We'll. You have to know your quite valuable." He said will taking a drink.

"You just said you wouldn't turn her in for a bounty, pirate." Mal said. "Privateer." He said. "Oh."
"And what I said was I wouldn't hand her into the Fjerdans. I said nothing of the Kerch or Shu.

I paid a small fortune to empty the dock and make sure you got on my ship. And frankly, I think the Fjerdans are severely undervaluing you."

Alina nodded. "You're right. They are. Because you'll be able to ask the King of Ravka for twice as much."
She said while leaning against the desk.

"You know the King?" He asked. "I'm the sun summoner." She replied.

"By all accounts, the first army have now turned their sights on grisha. Thanks to what you and your conspirator did in the fold." He said while pointing at a sign of her and the darkling.

"The darkling and I were not partners. You may believe otherwise but once I tear down the fold and reunite Ravka, the world will see I am not his ally.
Help us and you'll be rewarded."

"To tear down the fold?" He scoffs. "And how do you plan on doing that exactly?" Alina looked at Lilian and back at him. "By hunting the Morozova's Sea Whip." Mal turned his head. "Alina."

The caption let's our a big breath and take another drink. "We'll I suppose if the Stag existed, the Sea Whip, and the Firebird might exist as well."

He looked up. "You couldn't do with one amplifier, but two." Alina nodded. "Unburdened by general Kirigan under my own power. Will you help us or not?"

He stood up. "There adventurer, danger, money. Now your speaking my language." He drank the rest and slammed down the glass.

He lead them out of the room and through the ship.
"All right listen up everyone we have guests. The sun summoner, the shadows secret, and are?"
Mal went to speak. "A guest of the sun summoner.
I expect you'll treat them with the respect I've come to know from you pack of liars and thieves."

He lead them further. "Come along my darlings, come on, come on. Now you can have the three in the back. It's the most private suite we have. See you in the morning miss Starkov." He bowed his head and left.

Lilian looked back at his to see him leave. "He's...something." Mal nodded and Alina took to the top hammock. They began talking and Mal said he was going to take first watch. He took out a book and held her hand as she feel asleep.

She sat under the stairs looking at them for a while. She need fresh air. She got up to leave and Mal stopped her. "Where are you going?" He asked and she looked at him. "Fresh air." He nodded and she walked up the steps.

She walked up to the railing. She stared out at the water and felt the breeze hit her. She felt calm. All she could hear was the water hitting against the boat.

She closed her eyes and thought of him.

She was playing with doll in her room and she saw someone approaching. She looked up to see a man wearing all black. He crouched down next to her.
"Hello sweetheart. What's your name?" He asked.

"My names Lilian. What's yours?" She asked. He smiled at her. "My name is Kirigan." She laughed. "That's a nice name." He lightly laughed at her words. "So is yours." He said as he put his finger pointing it at her chest.

"How would you and your sister like to come to Os Alta with me. It's a new home with everything that you would need." She looked at him. "Can I bring my doll?" He laughed at her. "Yes, yes you can."

She smiled and he held out his hand and she took it.

A hand went on her shoulder. She jumped and turned to see the captain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You were lost in your head for a while."

She looked back at the water. "I do that a lot." He looked at her and he looked out to the water. He leaned his body against the railing. She didn't say anything else only for him to break the silence and speak up.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asked as she nodded. "No, I'm an observer. It's all I've known."
He nodded his head.

"What have you observed about me?" He asked and she was quite for a moment. "You seem like the guy who is confident in yourself and your abilities. Your cocky but caring. And the rest I'm still piecing together." He smiled

"Names Sturmhond." He said putting out his hand.
"Lilian." She said while shaking his hand. "Beautiful name." He added and she smiled.

"I've got to ask. Don't take this the wrong way. Did you know about him all this time?" He asked. She looked back out to the water. "No. I found out with Alina. I've always known he wasn't telling me the whole truth. But who does? Everyone has their secrets and reasons."

Lilian looked back at him and turned her body to him. "No one tells the whole truth to someone no matter if they're a stranger or the love of your life." She said while walking away.

"See you in the morning Sturmhond." He smiled. "Sleep well milaya" he said to her but whispered the last part to himself.


Authors note:
Ravkan: Milaya - sweet girl
Aww, I like their duo.
Anyways I hope you enjoy!

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