1. The Invitation

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Kyle and Stan walked to the bus stop together like they usually did. Since Stan's parents got divorced he, his mom and his sister all moved back to their old house in South Park. Luckily this meant that Kyle no longer had to walk to the bus stop by himself.

"Dude, it is so nice to be back in town," Stan smiled taking a good look at his neighborhood.

"Dude, I'm so glad you're back, it was awful having to walk by myself and having to listen to Cartman yap and yap." Kyle laughed.

They soon arrived at the bus stop where Kenny and Cartman stood. Cartman was obnoxiously laughing.

"What's so funny fat ass?" Kyle asked as he stood by Kenny.

"Shut up jew, plus its none of your business." He scoffed turning away.

"Don't worry about him. He's got a stick up his ass." Kenny laughed. Kyle could smell the stench of weed coming from Kenny.

"Don't tell me, you let Cartman smoke?" Kyle asked. With a smirk Kenny nodded holding a little bag out to show the boys.

"Woah dude where did you get that?" Stan asked looking at the bag with wide eyes.

"That's a secret. I say we throw a party to welcome Stan back to South Park!" Kenny announced putting the bag away.

"I agree, nothing but a good party to start the school year." Kyle nodded. "My parents are going out of town this weekend to do their anual trip to Canada for Ike." Kyle explained.

"Sweet, party at Kyle's house!" Kenny smiled. The buss arrived and the four boys got on, Kyle sat with Stan and Cartman sat with Kenny.

Cartman began to smack his lips and stared outside the window.

"Dude, my mouth feels so dry..." He whispered turning to look at Kenny who nodded.

"I told you to bring a snack or something to drink but you didn't listen to me," Kenny said. Cartman rolled his eyes and began to call for Stan.

"What!" Stan shouted looking at Cartman.

"Water?" Cartman asked and Stan raised an eyebrow.

"Water?" Stan repeated and Cartman nodded.

"I need water, fast." Cartman said again.

"Tough luck Cartman I only brought water for me." Stan looked away and Kyle laughed.

"Kenny, please!" Cartman begged dramatically.

The bus came to a stop as the kids began to get off. Cartman felt himself go in slow motion.

"Dude, you're not being discreet. If they find out I'm seriously going to kick your ass," Kenny muttered to Eric who still felt like he was going in slow motion.

Kyle and Stan walked the opposite way from Kenny and Eric. Although they could still hear them arguing.

"Maybe that'll teach Kenny not to give Cartman those kinds of things," Kyle laughed and Stan nodded.

"When my mom and dad got divorced I swore never to touch weed. Like ever, it was my dad weed addiction that ruined their marriage." Stan shook his head.

"Good for you Stan, it's too bad your parents couldn't fix their marriage." Kyle sympathetically said.

"It's whatever dude. My dads stubbornness played a huge part in the separation. But lets not be downers, we have to invite people to the party." Stan told Kyle in an attempt to change the subject.

Kyle not wanting to discuss the sensitive topic accepted the change of subject. "I already know who is the number one on your list." Kyle laughed.

"Trust me she's the last person I want to invite." Stan shuddered. "After our 15th break up I just accepted the break up now."

"Good for you dude, honestly the way you two were with each other I'm surprised it took that long for you to officially be over with." Kyle confessed.

"I know, I guess it's hard to let go of your first love..." Stan shrugged.

Kyle and Stan grabbed their stuff from their lockers and walked to their first period class, English. Stan hated the teacher for this class and hated the subject even more.

Stan and Kyle sat on the same table, unfortunately they shared it with Bebe and Wendy. Wendy and Bebe entered the room and Bebe immediately looked at Kyle in a flirtatious way. Kyle continuously rejected Bebe, he wasn't really that into her. They did go on a few dates mostly with Stan and Wendy when they were still a thing. But Kyle never felt attracted to her, she did date Clyde at some point though.

Kyle never felt attracted to the girls at the school. He thought it was because the girls were ugly and not worth his time. But he slowly realized that maybe something was wrong with him. He couldn't voice his concerns with his friend in fear of their thoughts.

He did at some point want to go up to Craig and maybe voice his concerns with him. But he thought it was too out of character for him and for Craig. Craig and Tweek are the only known gay teens in South Park high. They had been dating since the fourth grade and have been going strong.

"Kyle?" Stan said brining Kyle's attention back to the real world.

"Huh?" Kyle answered confused.

"Dude, you've been staring at the doorway for like five minutes now..." He whispered.

"Hey Kyle," Bebe said flirtatiously.

"Oh, hey Bebe..." Kyle responded avoiding eye contact.

"Stan was telling us about a party you two are having, are we invited?" Bebe asked twirling her hair.

"Um, sure..." Kyle mumbled facing Stan. He gave Stan "the look" and Stan butt in the conversation.

"Everyone's invited. If you could get more of the girls to come that would be great. It'll be at Kyle's house. If you need the location don't be afraid to message me... or Kyle." Stan added nervously.

"Will you guys provide the goods are will I have to get them again?" Bebe asked.

"We'll get the stuff, just bring the girls and it'll be fine." Stan said and Bebe nodded. It was only Monday but the word did go by fast. So fast that even seniors found out about it.

a/n: whoops, I didn't mean for it to take this long for a chapter to go out. A new chapter will go out soon though haha...

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