14. Family Matters

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The next morning arrived and Kyle got ready. Craig was an early bird which surprised Kyle. He was up and ready at 6am and was downstairs eating breakfast. Kyle on the other side wasn't a morning person at all. He sighed and got dressed up. He wasn't sure of what to do with his family. He just needed a break from everything and everyone.

Unfortunately for him, Bebe Stevens controlled his whole life. She texted him that he needed to enter with Cartman again and not to forget about kissing. Kyle dreaded that now.

Cartman was still asleep. Kenny and him shared his twin sized bed, Kenny refused to sleep on the cold and dirty floor.

"Wake up," Kenny mumbled shaking Cartman.

"5 more minutes." Eric mumbled.

"Five more minutes my fat ass," Kenny said shoving Cartman off the bed. "Get ready or I'll kick your ass."

Kenny sat up and began his daily routine. Luckily this time his dad wasn't here. He had disappeared yesterday, which is something he always does. He usually came back in a week, hopefully he took longer this time.

He woke up Karen and handed her the paper bag with her lunch. Kenny then woke Kevin up. He passed his GED and was waiting for Summer semester to start for him to apply to the local community college.

Cartman watched Kenny being the actual backbone of his family. Something he never really gave him credit for. He only really knew him as the poor kid in South Park and nothing else.

Cartman felt himself get sad, he was a total asshole to one of his best friends.

Kyle grabbed his stuff and walked downstairs to where Craig was.

"I have to go early, I need to get Cartman." Kyle explained putting his hat on and gloves.

"You pick him up?" Craig asked and Kyle nodded. "Tweek walks here and we go there together."

"Well, Tweek isn't a lazy asshole," he joked. "I'll see you in class. Thanks again."

Kyle waved goodbye and began his walk to Kenny's house.

He bumped into Stan, "hey dude."

"Oh! Hey!" Stan said surprised. His hair was messy and he had a huge purple mark on his neck.

"You fucker. You went and saw Wendy!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Fuck, yeah. I did. I promise it's the last time!" Stan sighed.

"Liar. You say that then you go right back to her!" Kyle called him out. "Dude, there isn't anything wrong with being friend with benefits." Kyle shrugged.

"Well, we aren't exactly fwb's. We are actually going out. Like boyfriend and girlfriend." Stan smiled awkwardly.

"Holy shit dude. Since when?!" He exclaimed confused.

"Just for a few days. We decided now that we are a little more mature that we'd try the whole relationship thing again." Stan nodded.

"Matured? You're a freshman in high school. The only maturity we've done is our voices getting deeper and our balls dropping. We aren't mature!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Well, whatever we did she likes it and thinks I'm different. And if that means I get her back then fuck it! I'm mature!" Stan smiled proudly this time. Kyle rolled his eyes.

"I have to go to Kenny's house." Kyle explained.

"Why Kenny's? Shouldn't you go to Cartman's house?" Stan asked following him.

"Yeah, Cartman is over at Kenny's house," Kyle told him.

"At least you know where he is. His mom called last night in tears wondering where he is." Stan told him. "I felt bad but Cartman isn't one to ever want to open up."

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now