15. Sleepover Confessions

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Kyle walked home by himself. Stan of course went with Wendy and Cartman and Kenny walked together. He was alone with his thoughts, which is never a good thing. He sighed frustratedly, his mind went back to the conversation he had with Cartman. Why was it such a big deal? Cartman looked really angry because he wouldn't call it off with him.

He arrived at home now. He stared at the front door anxiously. He felt the same rush of anxiety from early. He debated whether he should go inside or if he should just leave. What's the point? His parents are going to say the same thing over and over again. He clenched his fists and walked away. At that point he just couldn't care whether they were angry or not.

He jogged over to Cartman's house, they need to have a more important talk.

He phoned Kenny first to make sure Cartman wasn't with him.

"Hey Kenny," Kyle smiled.

"Hey Kyle, what's up?" He asked.

"Is Cartman there? We sorta need to talk," Kyle explained.

"Oh, no. I don't think Cartman is at home though. He said he needed to clear his mind and went for a walk." Kenny explained. Kyle thanked him and hung up.

Where could he have gone, Kyle asked himself. He began to walk aimlessly now. He wondered if maybe calling it off would be for the best. In the end $500 didn't seem worth going through an emotionally draining situation.

He landed at Storks Pond, the local park. He sat on the bench and looked at the sky. Cartman seemed to really need an out. Maybe he found a girl who liked him and wanted to be with her.

Kyle's heart dropped at the thought that Cartman could like a girl. He didn't understand why, it's just Cartman. The asshole who always joked about his religion. Yet, he couldn't help it. He couldn't help his heart breaking. He couldn't help the crushing feeling of being in love with someone who didn't feel that way about you.

Tears fell down his eyes, the feelings all came to him at once. His family disappointed, Stan's initial reaction. The possibility that Cartman may not return the feelings. He clenched his chest sobbing. His heart, his mind, his chest. All of it felt foggy, he felt hurt.

"Kyle?" Cartman's voice asked. Kyle wiped away his tears as quickly as he could.

"Y-yeah?" He stuttered looking at him.

"What's wrong?" Cartman asked softly. Kyle had never seen this side of him before. This softer, kinder voice and expression.

"You make it so hard to hate you," Kyle sobbed. The tears came again and no matter how hard he tried to make them go away they wouldn't. Cartman sat next to him and brought him in for a hug.

They stayed that way for a while. Kyle felt him release all of those feelings that he had been bottling up for years.

Every single thing, his hatred towards his parents, the sadness of that night, the feeling of never being good enough for anyone.

Cartman stayed quiet. He didn't dare say a word. He knew the feeling of just needing someone to talk to. Fuck, if he had someone to talk to without feeling ashamed.

"You must think I'm a little bitch." Kyle laughed once the tears were done. He wiped away any remaining one.

"I don't think that," Cartman said. "I know you're a little bitch."

Kyle let out an ugly laugh. They laughed together for a good twenty seconds.

"I'm really sorry for how I acted earlier," Kyle frowned. "We can talk to Bebe and have this called off. Maybe she'll understand."

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now