5. The Aftermath

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Everyone was pretty confused as to the recent event in the cafeteria. No one could've predicted any of that to happen. Yeah sure Cartman has joked in the past about being gay for Kyle. But, most people, took that as Cartman wanting to humiliate Kyle.

"What the fuck was that?" Kenny asked Kyle. They were now in their Algebra class.

"What do you mean?" Kyle stuttered nervously.

"You and Cartman hate each other. But now you're dating?!" He exclaimed confusedly.

"Y-Yeah, so?" Kyle shrugged.

"So? SO?! Don't you guys HATE each other?! Just yesterday you two were down each other's throats screaming!" Kenny shouted.

"Well, it was a loving argument." Kyle opened his notebook to a fresh page. "Besides, it's none of your business."

"Come on Kenny," Stan butt in resting his hand on Kenny's shoulder. "The whole school is shaken up by this."

Kenny sat on his chair still baffled and confused. Were they all hiding something from him? Stan seemed very calm about the whole thing.

Cartman walked into the classroom and looked at Kyle and then at Kenny. He sighed and sat next to Kyle. As if on cue Bebe walked in with Clyde who was obnoxiously laughing. Bebe eyed them with a wink before she sat down next Clyde. Clyde continued to laugh obnoxiously loud.

"Congrats," Kyle heard from behind him. Kyle turned around and saw Craig standing there. He was carrying his algebra book.

"Thanks," Kyle responded. Craig sat next to him, he laid his textbook down and grabbed his notebook.

"I never expected it from you and Cartman." He admitted looking at Kyle's eyes. "It's cool to finally not be the only gay couple in South Park."

"Oh, are you two having problems?" Kyle asked and Craig simply shrugged.

"It's a lot of pressure, but nothing we can't handle. It's just relieving to finally have someone else to share that pressure with." Craig smiled. Kyle smiled back at him and patted his shoulder.

Kyle felt bad for Craig, he never realized how hard it had to be to be the only gay couple in this town. But he felt even worse due to the fact that well, he and Cartman were only faking it. What he doesn't know wont hurt him in the end though.

The class began, thankfully Algebra was a class that Cartman didn't have with them. Cartman had to go to a special math class due to him having a poor grade in math.

Craig and Kyle walked to their next class together, PE. This would be their final class for the day before they were released from school.

Kyle could hear the whispers as he walked through the halls. "You get used to it," Craig said.

"Cartman and Kyle? Don't they hate each other?" A girl whispered to her friend.

"Not another queer couple. I thought it was over when Craig and Tweek came out," a popular boy whispered.

Kyle hated it, he just wished he could tell everyone it was fake, a dare that they were all unaware of. But he couldn't, he had to keep this lie going in order to get $500.

Craig and Kyle arrived at the entrance to the boys locker room.

"This is the worst part," Craig whispered opening the door. "All the guys hide or give you dirty looks. As if being gay means you are attracted to all of them."

Kyle rolled his eyes, he had absolutely zero interest in being in a romantic relationship with any of them. He didn't even want to hold his "boyfriend's" hand. Craig walked to his locker and Kyle walked over to his.

"Fag," he heard one of the boys whisper as he passed by him. Kyle tried his best to ignore it. He shoved his stuff inside the locker and grabbed his gym uniform quickly putting it on. Every time a boy walked by they'd either quickly walk past him, scoff at him, or straight up call him some kind of slur.

"It gets better," Craig whispered. "The guys don't scoff or spit at me anymore." Kyle gave Craig a shocked expression.

"I thought everyone was cool with you being gay?" Kyle admitted.

"For the most part people were, I guess in 8th grade people started to change?" Craig shrugged. "Not everyone is so cool and accepting about it now."

Kyle couldn't help but feel sad about that. He never realized what Craig and Tweek would go through. On the outside they always seemed so happy. They were never afraid to publicly display their affection.

P.E. went by fast, it always did. The gym instructor usually had them run laps or do some sort of sport, usually it was running laps. The girls in their class would giggle or whisper anytime they walked past the two.

"What if Craig and Tweek break up and he gets with Kyle? How hot would that be?" One girl whispered.

"That would be so hot, like imagine Tweek and Kyle fighting for Craig!" The girls friend squealed excitedly.

Kyle rolled his eyes, no way in hell would he do anything to break off Craig and Tweek. Mostly if it meant to date Craig. Kyle was just in it for the money, $500. What would he do with all that money?

Craig and Kyle put on their regular clothes.

"Look at the two queers, what are you going to do? Kiss?!" A boy shouted causing his group of friends to laugh.

"Shut up Patrick, your dad screwed a younger girl and ended up in prison!" Craig shouted back flipping him the bird. "Daily occurrence, I swear I don't know how he doesn't get tired of doing that."

Craig and Kyle parted as Kyle walked to his locker where Stan stood.

"How was woodworking?" Kyle asked and Stan shrugged.

"Cartman wouldn't shut up about conquering your heart." Stan rolled his eyes. "How was Gym?"

"Insufferable. Every single guy yelled at me and called me slurs! And the Gym teacher would do jack shit about it. Craig tells me itms a daily occurrence for him!"

"Damn, you just have to tough it out. All for that sweet $500." Stan patted Kyle's back.

They walked to Stans house chatting about missing the bus and walking. Kyle would rant about all the guys in his gym class and Stan would rant about how annoying Cartman was being.

"At least Cartman is taking this better then I am," Kyle scoffed.

"That can work in your favor. If you get Cartman to fall in love with you first he loses and owes Bebe $300. Get him to fall for you and witness his downfall!" Stan exclaimed happily.

"I like your thinking Stan, I have to get a solid plan for this. Luckily for me Cartman can not talk to anybody about this. Rule number 1 not to tell anyone who wasn't in the circle that night." Kyle smirked deviously.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now