7. Cartman's POV

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I walked besides Kyle, it was silent. It wasn't a lie, my mom was screwing some guy she met off Tinder and I hated all those guys. They always made my mom fall in love with her, they would use her and then dump her. She would cry and cry for days until she met some other douchebag off Tinder.

"You okay?" Kyle asked. I hadn't realized I looked angry.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled. Kyle scoffed and paid me no more attention. I felt a vibration coming from my pocket. "Bebe is calling me."

"God dammit," I heard Kyle muttered stopping in his tracks to face me. "What does she want?"

"What's up Bebe," I said answering the phone.

"The date was nice! The pictures you posted are getting so many comments!" She giggled. "Goodnight! See you in school!"

"Annoying bitch," I muttered. "She wanted nothing just to tell me that the pictures are cute."

"I hate this dare," Kyle sighed.

"$500 is $500," I laughed.

"You're right." Kyle smiled. We continued to walk to his house. It was silent but this time it was less awkward.

"Faggots," some guy in a bike shouted flipping us off.

"Asshole!" I shouted back flipping him off with both my fingers. "Fucking assholes. We could be strangers just walking next to each other for all he knows."

"Screw them, I get enough shit at school. At this point I want to raise the price to at least $700, $500 is not worth my reputation." Kyle complained.

"Honestly," I agreed. We arrived at the doorstep to his house.

"Well, this is my house." He awkwardly stood there. "Bye?"

"Bye dude. See you at school." I waved goodbye and left. I didn't know if I wanted to go home or if I wanted to wonder the streets by myself. I sighed heavily, I just hoped that guy is at least treating my mom right.

I walked to a bench and sat down. It was silent, it usually was silent late at night. Everyone was at home now or going home from their dead end jobs. I closed my eyes taking in the sound of the wind. It was cold, but not cold enough for me to want to go home.

"Cartman?" I heard Stan call out. I sighed and opened my eyes.

"What?" I said watching as he approached me.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" He asked and I shrugged.

"You got done screwing Wendy?" I asked. I watched as his face went red. "I hope you're using protection. I heard Wendy is a giant whore."

"Shut up asshole. She isn't a whore!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I grumbled.

"Fuck you." He flipped me off before walking away. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.

"Fuck you too Stan you little pussy." I stood up and began walking. Nothing was open at this time and Butters was an early sleeper. I took in a deep breath before deciding to go over to Kenny's house. His parents are alcoholics and he'd be more then happy to get out the house.

I walked for what felt like forever. Of course his house had to be in the other side of town, his house was literally the only one there.

I knocked on his window once I arrived there. Their house was a shitty one story run down house. His parents slept in the living room and his sister took over the main bedroom while Kenny and his stupid brother slept in a different room.

"Cartman?" He whispered opening the window. "Why are you here?"

"Dude. Let me stay over? My mom is having another one of those guys over and I really don't want to go home." I explained and he sighed.

"Okay, but be quiet. If my asshole of a brother wakes up he is going to cause a scene and will get both of us kicked out." I climbed in through the window and almost fell.

"Are your parents knocked out?" I asked and he nodded.

"My dad got home and kind of got a little out of control. He is spending the night in prison." He said. "My mom kinda drank away her sadness and is out like a baby in the living room couch."

"Geez, sometimes I feel bad for you dude." I shuddered. I opened his bedroom's door before walking out. "Why did you have to give your little sister your bedroom?"

"Kevin kept trying to kill her in her sleep. My parents wouldn't do anything about it so I had to step up again." Kenny explained.

"Your parents are fucking demented." I said in disgust.

"How about we crash at your place?" Kenny joked.

"Yeah. I'm going to kidnap you for the night." I tiptoed to the front door. I glanced over to the couch where his mom was knocked out. I opened the door and with Kenny following behind we left his house. We walked the entire way to my house.

"I met this girl at the skatepark, her name is Bobbie," he explained to me. In great detail he went into about his encounter with her. How she easily slept with him and how she keeps bombarding him with text messages.

"Maybe you should text her back," I said grabbing my house keys.

"Why would I do that? Then she'll think I'm actually interested in her!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes opening the door and stepping inside.

"Eric Cartman!" I heard my mom angrily shout.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "What?"

"How dare you! You didn't even care to answer your phone?! Or even your texts?! Where the hell were you?!" She shouted.

"As if you cared. Did your boy toy leave?! God dammit woman!" I scoffed stomping up the stairs with Kenny following behind me.

"What was that?" He asked glancing down the stairs then back at me.

"My mom, she's with her sixth boyfriend. I don't care if she screws around or whatever. But she brings strange men into the house and it just pisses me off." I opened my bedroom door allowing him to go inside. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a sleeping bag.

"My mom tried leaving my dad once. They got into a terrible fight and we were sent to a foster home again." Kenny told me with a sad look in his face.

"I remember that. You were gone for a month. We literally had zero contact with you and thought you died." I frowned. "Once my bitch of a mother goes back up stairs I'll grab us a few snacks and we can watch a movie or something."

Kenny nodded sitting on the sleeping bag. "Thanks Cartman. I know we aren't always on the best terms but out of the three of you, you really are my best friend."

"That's kind of gay Kenny. But thanks. You're my best friend too." I smiled at him.

"Speaking of gay, you're gay?!" He exclaimed. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing would come out.

"Yeah, I guess I am gay." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Don't get me wrong! I strongly support the LGBT community or whatever but you and Kyle?! That's straight up madness!" He exclaimed.

"I know, I've been getting that a lot lately. But it's true... love?" I said in my most convincing voice.

He looked at me suspiciously before shrugging. To end the conversation I got up and left the room to grab some snacks for us.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now