4. The Announcment

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That night Kyle couldn't sleep, he and Cartman texted all night about how they'll announce if they even wanted to announce, their relationship. Of course, Kyle was nervous. Only Stan, Bebe, and Clyde knew that it was all fake. They had to sell it to the people that it was a genuine relationship, Bebe specifically instructed that they had to make it believable.

Morning arrived and Kyle struggled to get out of bed. He didn't want to face reality, the reality of having to kiss Cartman twice, he shuddered at the thought.

Kyle got dressed, this would be his second kiss. Out of his friends, he was the least experienced. He values the friendship part of the relationship, unlike Kenny who likes to have flings. Stan and Wendy had been very on and off for literal years. Then there's Cartman, he had a girlfriend who was also on and off but he still had one! The closest Kyle ever got to anything was Rebecca and when she kissed him she went wild.

Kyle sighed, he walked out, he decided to skip breakfast. He knocked on Stan's front door and was greeted by his very happy mom.

"Kyle!" She exclaimed happily, "Stan! Kyle is here!" She smiled. "He'll be out in just a second, come in."

Kyle stepped inside and sat on the couch. "Want something to drink? Water? OJ? Maybe some milk?" She asked.

"I'm okay Mrs. Mar-... Miss...?" Kyle was confused. He knew her as Mrs. Marsh his whole life but didn't know how to refer to her now that she was divorced.

"Miss Kimble," she nodded. "Look, it's Stan! Hurry hun breakfast is on the table!" Miss Kimble, Stan's mom, said with a smile walking into her kitchen,

"Your mom looks happy," Kyle commented.

"Yeah, you should see Shelly, she's going to therapy and is a lot nicer." Stan walked to the breakfast table and ate whatever his mom made. "You want some?"

"No, really dude. I'm sorta nervous about going to school.." Kyle sighed.

"I bet, how are you going to announce it?" Stan asked.

"Cartman said he was going to 'confess' his 'love' for me in the cafeteria." Kyle shrugged. "I told him that it was a terrible idea but you know Cartman."

"Yeah, he'll do whatever he wants," Stan shook his head disappointedly.

Stan finished up his breakfast and they headed towards the bus stop. There he saw a nervous Cartman next to Kenny who was showing something on his phone.

"I wish my parents would just buy me a new phone," Kenny said frustratedly. He kept tapping on his phone, it froze.

"Your parents are too poor to afford a new phone for you Kenny," Cartman teased. "Trash LG phone."

"Shut up fat boy," Kenny muttered shoving the phone in his pocket, he ultimately gave up on showing Cartman.

"Leave Kenny alone, Kenny. I might have an old iPhone lying around in my room," Stan said once he and Kyle were close enough. "You can have it."

"Sweet, thanks, Stan." Kenny smiled showing off his crooked tooth smile.

Kyle glanced over at Cartman whose expression was nervous. "What are you looking at jew boy?" He scoffed.

"Nothing," Kyle rolled his eyes choosing to pay attention to Stan and Kenny instead.

The bus came and they all got in, Kyle and Stan in one row and Cartman with Kenny in a different row. Kyle looked around and noticed Craig was sitting by himself.

"Look. Craig is by himself," Kyle whispered.

"Maybe Tweek is at home sick?" Stan whispered back looking at Craig. Craig noticed the stares and looked Stan directly in the eyes.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now