19. Family

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Quick content warning/ trigger warning: Homophobia, f-slur, it's also sad...


Kyle was a family person, he dreamed of having kids and having his kids be friends with his brother's kids. He dreamt of a big family, a big loving family. Of course, he was far too young and might change his mind later. But for now, he was allowed to dream. 

He walked home the next day, without Eric, he had to do something important. So now, he was left with his thoughts and loud music playing from his headphones. eric convinced him to get Spotify and as a reward, Eric made him a playlist. 

Stan called Eric's music, 'I peaked in High school Dad music'. Eric found offense because he thought it was all cool people's music. But Eric also had major daddy issues. 

Kyle walked inside the house and noticed Ike's shoes by the door, strange. Ike always went to Hebrew school right after school. 

"Ike?" Kyle called out. He took his shoes off and walked around the house. He didn't see Ike anywhere and began to feel worried. Thankfully Ike is one of those kids who doesn't leave the house without his phone. 

"What?" Ike said once he answered his phone.

"Are you home?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah?" Ike responded.

"Want some food? Mom and Dad aren't coming home till dark," Kyle asked.

"No, I'd rather starve than eat with a fag," Ike said before hanging up.

Kyle wanted to understand Ike, he wanted to see the world through his eyes but just couldn't. Kyle sighed and put his phone away. He couldn't lie but what Ike said pained him, he didn't want something he couldn't change to affect his relationship with his only brother.

Kyle called Eric, he didn't want to be alone and hoped whatever Cartman was doing he had finished.

"Hello?" Cartman said.

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" Kyle asked.

"No, I was just getting out of class, Mr. O is being a bitch and won't round my grade, I should at the very least have a D- in Math, I swear," Cartman mumbled.

"Want to come over? I can order us some pizza and we can watch a movie?" Kyle suggested.

"I would love to but I'm studying with Kenny, we'll both fail if we don't pass this stupid test," Cartman mumbled angrily.

"I can help," Kyle said.

"It doesn't sound like a bad idea... No, your handsome face will only distract me," Cartman flirted. Kyle blushed at that comment, "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow." Cartman hung up.

"Were you talking to your boyfriend?" Ike asked.

"Ike, sorry I didn't know you were there..." Kyle mumbled.

"Whatever, gay people make me sick," Ike mumbled walking to the kitchen.

"Ike, you shouldn't say stuff like that..." Kyle mumbled walking up to him.

"Why not? So that I protect your feelings? Grow up, Kyle. I'm allowed to have my own opinions" Ike rolled his eyes. 

"Why are you so hateful? I didn't do anything for you to act this way..." Kyle said.

"You're the reason why my friends make fun of me Kyle, did you ever stop to think what your thing would do to me? You aren't Craig and Tweek, you're a Jew. Enough hardships we have with being Jewish and you come out as gay. God Kyle, do you ever stop and think?" Ike rolled his eyes.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now