8. Week 1 Day 2

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Kyle got up from his bed, he was nervous for the day to begin. He and Cartman were an official couple. After yesterdays craziness he was sort of prepared for what the day entailed.

"Bubba! Breakfast is ready!" His mom shouted from downstairs. Kyle sighed and got ready in his usual outfit. He grabbed his hat and with that he was out his bedroom and down the stairs.

"I'm not hungry," Kyle announced walking to the refrigerator and grabbing his green juice.

"Take the lasagna at least Kyle," his dad said gesturing to the Tupperware that was inside the refrigerator.

"Okay," he grabbed the container his brother Ike was eating breakfast eyeing Kyle suspiciously. Kyle didn't pay any attention to Ike. He knew what was on his mind. Of course him and Cartman being a couple spread like wildfire and even reached the middle school and elementary school.

Kyle walked out of his house and to Stan's house. That's when his phone rang, of course it was none ither then Bebe.

"Hello?" Kyle said.

"Kyle! So glad to hear your voice! Since you and Cartman are officially a couple you two have to walk together!" She announced happily.

"Walk together? I ride the bus Bebe, remember?" Kyle said stopping in his tracks.

"Not today you aren't! I need you two to walk together! So go on and grab Cartman and begin your beautiful journey!" Bebe hung up giggling.

"Fuck," Kyle muttered walking in the opposite direction. He quickly called Stan who of course didn't answer. He texted him and attempted to call him again.

He began jogging to Cartman's house which was unfortunately on the opposite direction of Stan's house.

He arrived at Cartman's house out of breath and tired. He climbed up the steps and knocked on the door.

"Oh, hello Kyle." Miss Cartman smiled once she opened the door.

Kyle attempted to catch his breath, "H-Hi. Is C-Cartman h-here?"

"Yeah, he is having breakfast. Come in." Miss Cartman stepped aside for Kyle to enter the house. "Just in there."

Kyle smiled and walked over to the dinning room where Cartman was eating his eggs and bacon.

"Kyle?" Cartman said surprised. "Why are you here?"

Kyle sat across from him and took a few deep breaths to get his breathing under control.

"Bebe called me, she said we HAVE to walk to school together." Kyle told Eric who now looked upset.

Kenny walked downstairs yawning and stretching. "Morning Kyle."

"Kenny?" Kyle said surprised.

"Yeah?" Kenny replied confused. "Oh! Nothing happened I promise! I'm 100% straight!"

"God dammit Kenny," Kyle mumbled shaking his head. "Hurry up so we can go."

"Fine geez! Can't even eat breakfast in peace." Cartman got up and threw his plate in the sink before chugging his orange juice.

"Lets go. You coming Kenny?" Cartman asked. He picked up his backpack before facing Kenny.

"Um. No. I'm going to head over Stan's house. See y'all at school." Kenny waved before heading to Cartman's kitchen.

"Whatever man." Cartman and Kyle walked out the door and began the awkward walk to the school.

Kyle took out his phone and snapped a photo of their feet. He posted it to Snapchat for the world to see.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now