13. Kyle's Confession

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The bus dropped him off relatively close to South Park Elementary. He said goodbye to Rebecca and began his walk home. It was getting dark outside as he got closer to his house. Of course his parents were eagerly waiting his arrival. He opened the door and immediately was bombarded with questions.

"Where were you!" His mom shouted.

"Wasn't Eric going to bring you home?" His dad asked.

"We have been calling your phone for hours!" His mom exclaimed angrily.

"Mom, Dad. My phone died. There was an emergency and Eric had to go home. I took the bus, and I'm very tired." Kyle sighed.

"None sense mister, you are in so much trouble! I'm going to have a conversation with Eric's mom! There is no way he just abandoned you!" His dad shouted walking over to the phone.

"Dad! Wait! It isn't necessary to involve his mom!" Kyle pleaded walking over to his dad.

"It is very necessary Kyle! Something terrible could've happened to you!" His mother exclaimed.

"Wait! Please! His mom and him have been having troubles, okay? The last thing he needs is more trouble!" He said but his dad was already dialing.

There wasn't much he could do at this point. Maybe she wouldn't answer, maybe Cartman would answer instead.

"Hello?" His dad said to the phone. "Liane this is Gerald, Kyle's dad." He began.

"Is Eric there!" She exclaimed worried.

"Excuse me?" He said concerned.

"Eric and I had sort of an awkward situation happen and he left the house! I'm not sure where he went!" She exclaimed worried, tears fell from her eyes.

"No! No, we haven't seen him." Gerald said looking at Kyle who shrugged. "We'll keep a lookout just in case we see him."

"Thank you! Please call with any news of him! I'm so worried..." She sobbed. Mr. Broflovski hung up the phone and looked at Kyle.

"Well... Cartman left his house..." He sighed. "His mom is very worried, if you know anything text her, or call her."

"Yeah," Kyle nodded.

"This conversation isn't over. We are still very upset about this Kyle." Mrs. Broflovski said.

"I'm sorry," Kyle apologized. Kyle walked to the sofa and sat there. He thought for a while, Cartman isn't home, he immediately thought of Kenny. They spend a good amount of time with each other. "He is probably with Kenny."

"The McCormicks?" Mr. Broflovski asked and Kyle nodded.

"Cartman usually runs to Kenny, they're like best friends." Kyle explained.

"That's wonderful. At least we know where he is. I'll go ahead and call Liane," Mrs. Broflovski said eagerly.

"Wait," Kyle spoke, he stood up. "I have to tell you guys something first."

His parents looked at each other before sitting down in the couch on the opposite side.

"What is is Kyle?" His mom asked first holding her husbands hand.

"Mom, dad..." He began sitting back down. He felt his mouth go dry. His hands began to tremble slightly and his heart began to race. "I'm gay?"

The room went quiet. Of course, they kind of expected this. Kyle had always shown signs. Being too close to Stan, sneaking into his moms make up. Putting on high heels and pretending to be his mom. Never having a girlfriend or even being interested in girls. The signs were there yet they were shocked.

"Gay?" His dad repeated and Kyle nodded.

"I've always had these feelings. I was never able to label them. I thought I was weird or strange, for never wanting to hold hands with a girl. Even when Stan used to talk about girls I always felt different?" Kyle explained nervously.

ahis parents fell silent again. It wasn't against their Jewish beliefs to be agains homosexuality. Yet, they felt differently about it. Maybe it's because its their son. They were okay when it was Tweek and Craig, they showed their obvious support for them. But it was just different. It's their son now.

"Are you sure? Maybe you need to talk to Rabbi Goldmann, he can help you." His mom suggested.

Kyle felt his heart drop. He expected a different response, a supportive one.

"W-What?" Kyle said his voice shaking.

"Your mom is right! Maybe you're confused. Have you explored other options?" His dad asked taking Kyle by surprise.

"Other options? Like, girls? I'm not interested in them..." Kyle said unsure of what else to say.

"How do you know if you've never tried? Have you seen the Hoffman's daughter? She's very pretty and comes from a really good Jewish family. I can arrange something with them!" his dad suggested.

Kyle shook his head shocked. He stood up his legs shaking and his heart beating increasing.

"No, no! I don't want to date her! I don't want to date any girls!" Kyle exclaimed angrily. "I thought you two would be more accepting... I guess I was wrong."

Kyle stormed upstairs tears falling from his eyes. What did he expect. They had never shown a disagreement with gay people. They were so supportive of Tweek and Craig. Kyle sobbed, his heart was still fast and his breath was shaky. What was he going to do?

He grabbed his phone with his shaky hands and dialed Craig's number.

The phone rang a few times before it was answered.

"Hello?" Craig said.

"H-hey!" Kyle said.

"Are you okay?" Craig asked concern in his voice.

"I-I just came out to my parents." He sobbed.

"Oh no, they didn't take it well?" He asked and Kyle sobbed.

"They want to set me up with a girl," he cried. "Can I come over? I just need to be away from my parents."

"Yeah, of course! Just call me when you get here, bring a sleeping back you can spend the night." Craig offered.

"Thanks," Kyle smiled hanging up the phone. He grabbed his stuff and snuck out through his window.

He walked over to Craig's house. He did what he could to calm down. Usually he'd run to Stan, but right now he needed someone who know what he was going through.

He knocked on the door and Craig answered.

"Come in. My parents are in the family room, we can go upstairs." Craig explained and Kyle nodded.

They walked upstairs and into his room. Kyle laid his stuff on the floor next to the door. He brought his school bag and pajamas.

"Want to talk?" Craig asked and Kyle shrugged.

"I thought they would be more accepting. They were thrilled when you came out. They were so supportive and everything." Kyle explained. Craig sat down on his bed and Kyle explained the whole situation.

"It took my parents a while to get used to it too. My dad more then my mom. It took him some time to accept it. He would give me sad looks. He tried to relate to me but it was awkward." Craig explained. "I guess what I'm trying to say is give them time."

"Time?" Kyle asked and Craig nodded.

"I guess it isn't easy for people. They watch you grow with an expectation that you'd be 'normal'. You know, grow up have a career and then have a traditional family." Craig shrugged.

"I guess, they raised me Jewish and even when I said I wasn't 100% sure I believed they were you know... Hostile about it. Sent me to speak with rabbi and everything." Kyle chuckled.

"Parents are weird. They want us to be our own person but when we do they get all weird about it." Craig laughed.

"It's nice having a friend who understands," Kyle smiled.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now