17. The Coming Out

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Kyle sat up on his bed as he over heard his parents. They were loudly talking to each other about Kyle's sexuality. They loudly debated sending him to boarding school or having a Rabbi come and talk him out of it. Kyle sighed loudly at it. They had come back late last night and wouldn't stop talking about it. He had to fight the urge to argue with them about it all.

The voices stopped and their bedroom door opened. He heard footsteps approaching his door. There was a knock before the door opened.

"Kyle?" His mom said cat hing his attention.

"Yes?" He answered back. They approached him and stood next to him.

"Your father and I were talking," she began. "We understand that you're gay. We love you no matter what you decide to do with your life."

"We love you. We are sorry we reacted the way we did when you first talked to us about it." His dad continued.

"Really?" Kyle asked and they both nodded. "Thanks."

"We want you to feel like you can tell us about anything. Boyfriends, friends, sleepovers. Anything." His mom nodded bringing Kyle in for a hug.

"We love you Kyle and nothing will ever change that." His dad smiled patting his shoulder.

"Thanks... I do have something to tell you..." Kyle nervously said.

"What is it?" His mom asked with a smile.

"I'm actually sort of in a relationship with Cartman..." There was a sudden silence. His parents looked at each other then back at Kyle.

"If that's what makes you happy, then we are happy for you!" His mom said sort of enthusiastically.

"Thanks, he makes me happy." Kyle smiled. They talked a little bit more before they left Kyle's room.

Cartman on the other hand was laying on his bed nervously. His mom was currently being awfully loud in the next room. He was all for his mom being happy but at some point it became too much for him.

The noises stopped and he heard the door open and giggling. He waited another thirty minutes before getting out of his room. He did his best to distract himself. He played music on his phone, got on his iPad, did a stupid school project. Anything to stop thinking about his mom being boned in the next room.

He finally reached downstairs and saw his mom making breakfast.

"Eric! Good morning," she smiled serving herself a cup of coffee.

"Good only for you," he mumbled, he walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a frozen corn dog.

"What's wrong popsikins?" She asked and Cartman simply shrugged. They were in better terms now that they set boundaries between each other.

"Nothing," he mumbled. He placed the corndog on a plate before microwaving it. He stood there waiting for it to heat up.

"Eric, talk to me." She said with a smile. He looked at her and his heart dropped. They used to have such a good relationship with each other. That's until he became a teenager and she started to fool around with a bunch of different men.

"Nothing, please drop it." He said grabbing his heated up corndog. He walked to the family room and turned the television on.

"Eric. You have to talk to me. I am your mother and I demand respect." She said turning the television off.

"God mom, can't I ever just have a private life?! There's some stuff that I just don't want to share with you!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Eric, I just want to know what's going on." She frowned. Eric felt bad. He felt guilty. He was always pushing her away from him and all she wanted was to be close again.

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