18. The Explination

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Kyle woke up nervously the next morning. It was an eventful few days and he felt refreshed yet he feels more anxious than he is used to. He got up, walked to his bathroom, and took a long shower. He thought about his new move and the conversation he had with Eric. What were they going to do about the dare? He wanted everyone to know that he was being honest. He wanted the world to know that his feelings for Cartman were true and genuine. He washed his face and brushed his teeth.

"You can do this Kyle," he mumbled before walking out of the bathroom. He saw his mom walk out of her bedroom.

"Ready for school already Kyle?" She asked and Kyle nodded. "Early bird catches the worm." He nodded awkwardly before walking downstairs, his mom followed behind him. Kyle was never an early riser but lately, he has just been so excited to see his boyfriend.

"I'm heading out," he said packing his lunch.

"Already?" His mom asked as she watched him put on his shoes. "But you didn't have any breakfast, what if I made you some pancakes?"

"It's okay, I'm not really in the mood for pancakes," he said. He grabbed his backpack before walking out. He walked towards Eric's house. He had already agreed to go over and eat breakfast there. He sighed sadly, he knew his parents wanted to spend more time with him and really be there but he just didn't want to.

Once he arrived at Eric's house he knocked and waited for him to open.

"Kyle!" His mom exclaimed excitedly. 'Eric is getting ready, please come in." She stepped aside for Kyle to enter the house. "I'm just finishing breakfast, set your stuff down and go ahead and sit." She smiled and walked inside the kitchen. Kyle sat down and waited for Cartman to walk downstairs.

"You're here early," he heard Eric say. He sat beside Kyle and smiled at him. "Not complaining though."

Kyle blushed and avoided eye contact, Cartman obviously noticed this and proceeded to tease him about it. Ms. Cartman served breakfast and they ate.

"How is class going Kyle? I hear you're on your way to being Valedictorian. You must be happy!" She smiled.

"I don't know about Valedictorian, but I'm certain I'm maybe Salutatorian, I've been working super hard for it." He smiled.

"Why don't you think you'll be Valedictorian?" She asked. Kyle never liked getting into conversations about school or school ranks. He had enough stress with just his basic stuff.

Eric said good bye to his mom and they began to walk to school. They decided that every once in a while instead of taking the bus like they usually would they would walk. It took a lot of convincing from Kyle for Cartman to agree. Thats why it's only three walks every month.

"Walking is so lame," Cartman complained.

"Oh hush you big baby, I like walking." Kyle rolled his eyes playfully.

"But it's so inconvenient, we have a car, we have the bus, an uber, scooters, bikes! Why do we have to walk?" He continued to complain.

"How about we talk about what we're going to tell Bebe?" Kyle suggested. Cartman shrugged, what was the point, they're probably just going to call it off and beg for forgiveness.

"Well, what about it? Do you want to call it off?" Cartman asked and Kyle shrugged.

"I don't know. I just want to you know be public and super for real and whatever..." Kyle mumbled.

"I do too, maybe we should call it off. Screw it, you know? I'd rather pay up then have to pretend what we have is fake," Cartman smiled. It was rare for Cartman to be vulnerable or honest with his feelings. He tried to hid what he really felt and masked his feelings with humor. But, because Kyle is his boyfriend he tried to be honest.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now