16. The End?

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The realization hit him like a brick. He grabbed his coat and slipped on his sandals and ran out the door. It was cold, it was always cold.

"Cartman?!" He called out looking both ways of the sideways. But he couldn't make out any figures. It was cold and empty. He debated whether he should go searching for him or wait till day. he sighed annoyed and began walking. He kept calling his name but nothing.

"Cartman?" He called out again. He of course forgot his phone at home. He walked aimlessly in the night searching for him.

He landed at the park. He used to come here with Stan, Kenny, and Cartman. He sat on the bench and sighed. He should've just stayed home.

He got up and began walking around the park. He called out his name a few times.

"Cartman?!" He shouted once he made out a figure in the night. He jogged his way there. "Goddammit dude, you scared me."

"Why did you come? To throw it in my face? Fine." Cartman mumbled not looking at Kyle.

"You're really good at jumping to conclusions, you know." Kyle chuckled sitting next to him.

"Thanks," Cartman mumbled. They stayed silent, taking in the beautiful noise of nature. "Why did you come?"

"Well, I couldn't leave you." Kyle admitted.

"Couldn't?" Cartman asked finally mustering up the courage to look at Kyle. Kyle turned and looked at Cartman and nodded.

"I worry about you," Kyle confessed.

"You don't have to." Cartman said turning away.

"I know, but I do. I consider you a friend. Even if you're an asshole to me sometimes." Kyle chuckled laying his head on Cartman's shoulder.

Cartman tensed up. They stayed silent. Kyle closed his eyes.

"I like you too," Kyle confessed. Cartman turned and looked at him. "Romantically."

"You do?" Cartman whispered and Kyle nodded.

"At first I thought it was just friendly feelings and nothing else. You know the love you have for Kenny or for Stan." Kyle explained. "But that day at the mall... It helped me realize that it wasn't like that..."

"That day helped me realize that I liked you..." Cartman confessed his face going bright pink. "I cried in the car for hours after that."

Kyle chuckled and looked at him in the eyes.

"It all makes sense. The avoiding, the stares." Kyle explained.

"I'm not the best at navigating my emotions." Cartman chuckled looking away. "The instability in my life is to blame."

"I get it." Kyle smiled. "Lets go home." Kyle said getting up. Cartman got up and they began walking home.

"What are we going to do?" Cartman asked and Kyle shrugged.

"About Bebe?" Kyle asked and Cartman nodded.

"We can always just pretend we aren't crushing on each other and get the money." Kyle smirked and Cartman smirked back.

"I like that idea. She'll never know." Cartman laughed.

They continued their walk in mostly silence. They were holding hands and for once Cartman felt at peace.

He didn't worry about his mom. He didn't worry about school. He only cared about now. Him holding hands with the guy he had just confessed his feelings to.

They entered the house still holding each others hand.

They walked up to Kyle's room for a little bit of privacy.

Kyle got into bed and Cartman followed him. They cuddled that night with zero worries in mind.

Sunday morning rolled around and they were still in bed. Cartman was little spoon and Kyle was big spoon, as it was always meant to be.

"Shh, you're going to wake them up!" Stan whisper-shouted at Kenny who had Stan's phone out.

"If you keep shouting they will!" Kenny angrily said back attempting to take more pictures.

"I'm so proud!" Kenny cried wiping away invisible tears.

"Taking pictures of them is weird!" Stan exclaimed.

Kyle slowly began to wake up and got up to face them.

"What the hell?" Kyle mumbled looking at Kenny who was holding out his phone. "Are you taking pictures?"

"Yes! I'm the proud photographer and I will be the proud photographer at your future wedding! I'm starting early!" Kenny announced happily.

"Wedding?" Kyle asked confused.

"Yeah! I'm manifesting a big gay wedding for you two!" Kenny exclaimed happier.

"There isn't going to be a wedding," Kyle said.

Cartman then slowly started to wake up. "A wedding?"

"Yeah! Yours and Kyle's!" Kenny announced.

"The fuck? When did I agree to get married?" Cartman asked sitting up and looking at Kenny.

"I'll explain the details later!" Kenny smiled taking more pictures.

"I tried to stop him. Taking pictures of people asleep is weird." Stan chuckled. "How about we go out for breakfast?"

"Yes! I love breakfast!" Kenny smiled.

"Okay, let me shower." Kyle grabbed his stuff and walked to the bathroom.

"Did you ask him to be your boyfriend?" Stan asked and Cartman shook his head. "Was sleeping all you did?"

"Yes, now stop asking questions." Cartman stood up and grabbed his stuff.

"If you didn't ask him, did he ask you?" Stan asked following Cartman.

"No," Cartman said putting on his coat.

"Then are you two an official couple?" Stan asked confused.

"Well, no? I mean. I plan on asking. Yesterday just wasn't a good time." Cartman explained.

"Oh...?" Stan questioned. Cartman was over the questions and walked downstairs were Kenny was scrolling through channels.

"Anything good?" Cartman asked sitting down next to Kenny.

Kyle walked out the bathroom and sat next to his friends.

"So, is it official?" Kenny asked looking at Kyle and Cartman.

Kyle turned and looked at Cartman. Cartman's face went bright red and he looked at Kenny.

"No?" Cartman answered. "We didn't like officially ask each other?"

Kenny looked sad and he looked over at Kyle.

"Who is going to ask who?" He asked and Cartman shrugged.

"Enough of this. Knowing Kyle he would hate for the announcement be in front of all of us." Stan said standing up. "How about we go to iHop?"

"I like International House of Pancakes!" Kenny smiled standing up. They walked over to the closest iHop.

Sorry for the short chapter!

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now