6. The Plan

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Kyle invited Stan over for dinner, his mom spends a lot of time outside of the house now.

"I'm home!" Kyle announced dropping his backpack in the front. "I brought Stan!"

Ms. Broflovski entered the room with a wide smile on her face. "Stan! So nice that you came!"

"Thanks for having me Ms. Broflovski," Stan smiled.

"We are going upstairs to do some homework." Kyle walked up the stairs with Stan following behind him. "About the plan." Kyle said once they arrived to his bedroom.

Stan sat down on Kyle's bed as he usually does. "What do you have in mind?" Stan asked.

"I was thinking to just flirt, I mean. He is already telling the whole school how 'in love' he is with me, I might as well dig the hole deeper and really make him love me." Kyle told Stan who nodded.

"What if it backfires and you end up falling in love first?" Stan asked but Kyle only bursted out in laughter.

"Fall in love?! With that lard? God no!" He continued to laugh for a good ten seconds more.

"Shut up," Stan grumbled throwing a pillow at him. "Just be careful."

Stan and Kyle decided to start some homework before dinner. Of course Kyle helped Stan with math.

"Kyle!" His mom shouted from downstairs.

"Huh? That's strange. Donner isn't supposed to be done till later." Kyle mumbled getting up and walking downstairs. Stan followed behind him curiously.

Kyle reached the end of the stairs to see Cartman standing there with Bebe and Clyde next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Kyle asked walking up to the group of teenagers.

"Date one Kyle," Bebe announced happily.

"What?" Kyle said taken aback.

"Don't act surprised Kyle, it's in the rules." Bebe smiled. "Why is Stan here?"

"We were studying Bebe," Stan said.

"Well that is over. Kyle has to go on a date with his boyfriend." Bebe glared at him.

"Stop being so controlling Bebe, why can't they plan their own dates?" Stan defended.

"Because it is my dare. My money. My rules!" She shouted. "Now disappear! They have to go on a date!"

"Bitch," Stan said grabbing his things and leaving Kyle's house.

"Finally." Bebe rolled her eyes. "Now, I made reservations at this beautiful restaurant."

Kyle shuddered, he began to imagine how a date with Cartman would be like. He was not only going to miss out on his moms famous lasagna but he would have to go to a sushi restaurant with Cartman.

"Are you two going to be there?" Kyle asked.

"Of course! We would be the chaperones! Just to make sure you two are taking enough pics and actually conversing!" She giggle menacingly. Kyle groaned annoyed.

"Mom?" Kyle called out walking into the kitchen. "I'm going out with some friends."

"Right now? Are you done with your homework?" She asked and Kyle nodded. "Okay, have fun darling and come home early."

Kyle walked out the kitchen and back to the family are where Bebe and Clyde were talking. Kyle noticed Cartman's detachment.

Bebe, being 15, had her learners permit and access to her parents car.

It's Just a dare (Revival) KyManWhere stories live. Discover now