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I sweep my soul under a dark red rug
At my mother's house.

I hide my teeth in the vase
That used to be so full
Of pretty flowers
If pretty flowers
When I was a kid.

I lose my rings
in the turquoise bathroom
With the paint peeling off.

I leave my nails
Under my bed
When I'm sleeping
So I don't scratch myself
When I toss
And turn.

And I cut my tongue
Flush it down the toilet
So I don't speak
When I shouldn't.

My heart
Is trapped
In my mother's closet
In the attic
The one that was my grandfather's.

So I asked my mother for the key
A while ago
But she said she lost it
Somewhere in the house.

I can't find  the pieces
To make me whole
Under the rug,
In the sink,

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