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 i found poetry i wrote about you back when we were dating

It's sweet, like a kid and a box of chocolates

Im pale

Paler than i was before

i think the sleepless nights are catching up to me

i think you're catching up to me

 i love you

i love you

i love you

i cannot love

i 've tried so many times

And ive cried so many times

About you

And Me

And i don't think i can feel

Not the way i used to

Not deeply in my soul

i can't feel

and i talk to a wall

When i'm with you

You've said

So many things

You don't mean

And things you mean

You've told me you don't

You know the truth

And you know i do too

Don't lie

'Cause actions speak louder than words

And your actions


To me

i was young

And i was stupid

And i don't know if you heard a word i said

Im still young

And still stupid

And you don't hear a word i say

And my lipstick stains

On your teeth

And my skin

On your sheets

it's hard to know you don't feel

The way i used to

(the way i do)

 i changed my hair

// you didn't notice

And it's fine

i tell myself

i don't care

Not about the way i feel

Or the way i felt

'Cause i'm young

And stupid

And someday

i won't feel


(The way you push yourself back

Into my life

Just to leave again

After two days

And the hole you leave

You don't care

So i patch it up again

Just for you to text me again.)

And i love your texts,

don't get me wrong

but you don't feel the way i do

and you've told me you could never feel the way i do

so i have to stop feeling

anything you do.

you always manage to say the wrong thing

and make me feel stupid

and bad

i still love you though

but fuck you

for that.

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