passion fruit

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One of my fondest memories was when 

you took my hands into your own and you kissed me

And you kissed me again

In that bathroom stall

And our teeth clashed and i didn't care

And your headphones were playing Girl in Red's Bad Idea

And my bag was covering my feet but that didn't matter

Cause people could hear our giggles from outside

And you looked at me with such fondness

and gave me that card that said

i love you

Like the time i gave you that ring and we kissed at the park

And my friends filmed us

And i gave you that teddy bear and we ate ice cream

And i called you a grandpa for your choice

'Cause only grandpas eat after eight

And i took that picture of you with the bear in your hand

i loved that picture so much

For so long

Or when i was waiting for my mom and you could've gone home

But you waited with me until your hands turned blue

So i told you to look after yourself and i held them

But it didn't help 'cause mine were cold too

And that time we kissed and my lipstick smeared everywhere

So i applied more

And i kissed you again

Or when we first walked together to get coffee and i held your hand

So awkwardly

But your cheeks tinted pink

And i insisted on paying

or when we made out in your room and you had to reply to your mom's message

while in between my knees

and i took a picture of you

all disheveled and pink

Or when you were sick

And i skipped class to go to your house

And i had flowers in my hand

And you thought i 'd gotten lost

So you left the comfort of your room all sick and sniffly

To meet me halfway

And i called you dumb 'cause you could've gotten sicker by going out in the cold like that

And i didn't care when i got sick after i kissed you

and you walked me back

after i told you not to

'cause it was cold

Or our last kiss in the hallway

When i pulled you in by your white shirt

Just as you had to go to class

And i had a free hour

And it was slimy and hasty and in that moment i thought of giving you a better kiss later

Not knowing that night

We'd be going our separate ways.

i wish i could relive those moments

Deeply, i do.

i wonder if you liked them the same as me

Or if you didn't care too much

i wonder if i asked you to start over

To intertwine our paths again

i wonder if you'd say yes 

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