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 I do not know what to do.

He does not like the way I do

He says he wants me and yet he doesn't long for me every minute of the day

And he does not answer my messages within seconds.

He says he wants me

And yet he can stand to be without me

He does not write to me

He does not show any


I feel stupid

To care so deeply

To use the word love

He says his intentions are clear

But how can they be

When he doesn't even like me?

Nothing is in my name

no art, no song

And yet everything is in his

And he knows it


He does not care

He said he'd be fine without me

So why even bother

To lead me on again?

I am the artist

Longing to be the muse

And I'll never be loved

The way I do.

But such is the curse

Of us red-lipped girls

We wander the earth

And love

In a way that cannot be replicated

We give

too much.

Maybe if I meet another

That loves as much as me

I will get back the love

I gave away so carelessly.

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