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Thank you all for reading one of my first works. This being a 4-5 year old story and having almost 6k reads is honestly mind blowing. I never thought that it would reach that point.

It has been so long that I forgot what it was even about and after reading 12 chapters, I can rightfully say that the grammar and spelling is crap. Not to mention the dialogue, the inaccuracies of the time period it is supposed to be in, plot holes that I realized would never be fixed, and the misrepresentation of Lin's Bipolar Disorder.

At the time, he was supposed to have the disorder but after reading it again, it's best if he doesn't actually have it.

Unfortunately, I have no intention of continuing this story any time soon. I do want to revamp it one day without a Y/N but I am working on another Phantom story that I hope is just as good as what I had in mind for A True Angel.

My new story's name is Moncharmin.

It follows a US Navy Soldier who dies in the Ukrainian war and ends up in 1880 as Andre Moncharmin's 25 year old daughter. With all the knowledge she has of her past life and PTSD, she plans to become friends with Erik and Nadir so that she may stop Erik from harming anyone.

I've written over 200 pages in several notebooks while I've typed out 7 complete chapters.

I find it funny how much a story can change between the first and second draft. But that is neither here nor there.

The 19th century is constantly being researched to the fullest extent of what I need to let the story flourish with minor differences to real life. For example, there's a major fair that takes place in front of the Louvre toward the beginning of the Phantom's story but it never actually occurred in real life. I want to make sure I am true to history as much as possible while also having creative liberty.

The story is also an outlet to let me live my own Phantom fantasy as I have always wanted to be Erik's friend. This is a self insert. Sierra's past is also my past with a few tweaks to names, years, and career. I did want to be in the Navy but I was disqualified. Other than that, her high school and family life is virtually the same as mine.

I want to publish Moncharmin one day, so if you ever see the book in stores, Amazon, or somewhere else; know that I was the one who wrote it and that A True Angel was what helped me learn how to be a better writer.

Thank you all for reading and getting this story up to #4 in phantomxreader. I will forever smile when I read your comments. Until next time, Messieurs, Mademoiselles, and Madames.

Your Obedient Servant,

A True AngelWhere stories live. Discover now