Chapter 12

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"Y/N!" Meg yelled. Bursting through the PrimmaDonna room door.

"She's not here." Lin said not looking up from his book.

"Oh. Hey Lin! Where's Y/N?" Meg asked looking around the room. Christine was there too. She looked at the body length mirror with worry in her eyes. Lin looked at her confused.

"Ssshe's taking a walk." He said, depriving his attention away from Christine and the mirror. Christine let out a relived sigh.

"Well then, we better go find her. Congratulations by getting the male lead!" Meg said.

"Thaanks. Hey Christine."


"Why were you just looking at the mirror when you heard Y/N wasn't here?"

"O-Oh it's nothing. Congratulations."

"Yaaa, thank you. Y/N should be back anytime now."

"Ok! Thank you!" Meg said.

"No problem." Could the mirror be a secret passage. I guaranty it is. There's no way the Phantom is a ghost like everyone says he is. Not if Y/N and I were able to bump into him.

"Bye. See you around." Christine said.

"See ya."


"Christine and Meg find you?" Lin asked, sitting up and closing his finished book.

"Ya, how'd you know they were looking for me?" Y/N asked walking into the room.

"They came in looking for you earlier."


"Ya. I have an idea."

"What idea?" Y/N asked suspicious of Lin. Lin just looked at the body mirror and pointed at it. "That is a secret passageway to the Phantom's home."

"Lin that's just a mirror. I know you're bipolar and all but I think you're starting to go a little crazy by this phantom ordeal."

"Am not!" Lin yelled. "Just hear me out, ok?"

"Ok, what's your idea?" Y/N said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one foot.

"So when Meg and Christine came in here looking for you. I told them that you weren't here and Christine automatically had a worried expression and looked at the mirror. I asked why she did that but she only stuttered and said it was nothing. So that brought me to the conclusion that, when Christine finished her first show a month ago, the Phantom took her through that mirror."

"That isn't a bad idea. Now I have an idea as well." Y/N sat down next to Lin and looked at him with a serious expression.

"And that is?"

"We get you into a mental hospital."

Lin kicked Y/N's side. "Jerk! I'm being serious!"

"Haha! I know I know! It was a joke!"

"Ya right! Did you actually have an idea or were you just trying to mess with me?"

"No, I have an idea." Y/N chuckled.

"What is it?"

"You stay here and I go see if the mirror really is a passageway. And if it is, then I'll go in and see if the phantom is actually down there."

"But I want to go to!"

"I guaranty that there are traps down there so no, you will stay here, where it's safe."

"Fine." Lin poured and crossed his arms. Y/N got up and walked over to the mirror. She started to check the sides and found a small latch on the left side. She opened it and pulled to the right. It opened halfway, causing Y/N to look back at her brother. She quickly opened it all the way and saw a long, dark tunnel. "Don't forget to ask for his name!" Lin called out. Y/N smiled at him then nodded.

"See you when I get back." Y/N said, stepping into the tunnel.

"See ya!" Lin waved with a big smile while Y/N closed the mirror/door. Ha! A two-way mirror, smart.

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