Chapter 3

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This picture is how I see Lin.
"Opera Ghost?" Y/N and Lin asked.

"But the Opera House isn't really his." Andre remarked.

"Ooook." Lin said.

"Do you have somewhere else you are staying?" Mme. Giry asked.

"No." Y/N answered.

"Well, if you're going to start working here. You'll have to stay here anyway, so it turned out perfect." Firmin said.

"Yay!" Lin cheered.

"Might as well show you to your room." Mme. Giry stated and started walking backstage. The siblings quickly followed her.

Once backstage, Y/N looked at Lin with a smile on her face. The real magic is backstage. You can see everything that gets put into a show. Costumes, props, everything. Lin's eyes had more sparkles in them than that ever had.

"Like what you see, Lin?" Y/N asked, amused. He then looked at her with wide eyes and a big smile.

"It's amazing! You can see every prop and costume that goes into the performances!"

"Haha, welcome to the opera." Y/N whispered to her little brother.

"Here you are." Mme. Giry said, opening a door and walking into the room. It had two beds(how ironic), a changing screen, a desk with a mirror on top of it, and a closet. "You will be staying here."

"How ironic." Y/N said, walking into the room. "Thank you Madame Giry."

"No need for thank you's." Mme. Giry said raising a hand. "I will see you two later." Mme. Giry then left, closing the door on her way out. Lin then hugged his sister.

"This is amazing, Y/N!" Lin said. "I want to see where Mom and Dad slept! That would be so cool! This place is amazing!" Lin said and then jumped onto the bed closest to the door.

"Haha, ironically enough. This was the room they stayed in."

"Really?! Wow! But...there are only 2 beds. Shouldn't there only be one? Also, I claim this bed." He pointed to the bed he was sitting on.

"Haha, ok. Honestly, I don't know why they put two beds in here."

"Haha. Our life's change now. Now...we are the lucky ones." Lin said laying down on his back, eyes staring at the ceiling.

"Yes, yes we are." Y/N said, laying next to Lin and slowly falling asleep, not knowing of the man watching them from the shadows.


"Mommy? Daddy?" The little girl asked while holding her new born brother.

"I'm sorry, honey, but we have to leave." The H/C haired, E/C eyed woman said.

"She's right. We have to go. Take this to remember us bye." The light brown haired, green eyed man said, giving the little H/C haired girl some sheets of music.


"Goodbye Y/N." The parents said with a small, sad smile.

"Take good care if Linville." Her mother said. The two parents started walking away. A few tears started to fall down the girl's face.

"W-where are y-you going?" The girl quickly put the baby and the music down and started to run after her parents but tripped on her dress. "Mommy! Daddy!" She was now in a full on sob, on her knees and her hand reaching out to her parents. "Don't go away!"

Flashback end

Y/N woke up, a tear going down her cheek. She say up, wiping the tear away, and thought. Why-why did they leave? Y/N looked to her side and saw her little brother sleeping peacefully. There then, was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Y/N said. Two girls then walked into the room. One is blonde and the other has curly, brown hair. The blonde spoke.

"Hi! My name is Meg and this is my friend, Christine." She said gesturing to herself and her friend.

"Hello. You and your brother are really good." Christine said with a smile on her face. Y/N smiled at her.

"Thank you."

"Mother told us to come and get you." Meg said.

"Oh? What for?"

"Because it's dinner time silly!" Meg said with a closed eye smile.

"Oh ok, haha." Y/N laughed nervously. Were we really sleeping that long? Y/N then shook her brother. "Wake up Lin."

"Nnnn. Five more minutes." Lin said swatting Y/N's hand away. Meg and Christine laughed a little bit while Y/N just sighed and shook her brother more. "Fine! What is it?" He said rubbing his eyes and sitting up (Lin doesn't like to be woken up).

"Dinner." Y/N said. Lin instantly woke up and smiled (he does love food).

"Dinner!" He got up and ran out of the room. Y/N quickly ran out of the room too and yelled at him.

"You don't even know where the foot court is!"

"I'll find it eventually!" Lin yelled while Y/N only sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Haha, someone will help him." Meg said. Y/N looked at her brother's disappearing body.

"I hope so."

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