Chapter 4

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"So," Y/N started, sitting in the chair at her desk, legs crossed, hands intertwined, and looking at her brother, "as long as I was in the food court, I didn't see you there. Did you at least get some food?" Lin laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his neck, not looking at his sister.

"Ya, I did."

"Who showed you the way?" Y/N asked, annoyed. Lin looked at her shocked.

"H-How'd you know?!" Y/N's eye twitched.

"This place is almost so complicated, you would easily gotten lost. Not even I can remember every nook and cranny in this place."

"Ya, I guess you're right." Lin looked away, rubbing his neck again.

"Who helped you?" Y/N asked again.

"A-A man in a mask. He looked like he was in his early 20's?"

A man in a mask? Why does that sound familiar to me? Y/N looked away from her brother and put her fingers on her chin, clearly in thought. "I heard from some of the other girls about the Opera Ghost and how he wears a half face mask and also wears—"

"Yes! Him! I asked what his name was but he only replied that people call him the Opera Ghost or the Phantom of the Opera!" Lin interrupted.


As Lin was running through the opera house, not knowing where he was going, he bumped into something or someone. That someone looked down at the kid who bumped into them. Lin looked up to see a masked man towering over him. "Sorry! I'm trying to find the food court. Cool mask by the way!" The man stayed quite, a little shocked. The man had never been told that his mask looked cool, nor a compliment...never. Lin looked at him awkwardly and scratched his cheek. Looking away, Lin then said, "If you don't mind.... Could you please show me where the food court is? I'm kind of lost." The man chuckled.

"Of course." He then started walking the direction where Lin came from. Lin just stared at him. The man noticed and looked back. "Well?"

"Oh ya." Lin jogged up to the masked man.


"The food court is just through that door." The man said.

"Thanks!" Lin said then walked up to the door but looked back at the man. "Are you not going to eat, Mr. Masked Man?"

"No." The man waved dismissively with his hand. "I am fine."

"Ok." Lin then turned the doorknob but looked back again. "What's your name by the way?" The man was a little surprised but regained his composure.

"People call me the Opera Ghost or the Phantom of the Opera."

"Ooooooh, so you're the Opera Ghost! Well, it was nice to meet you, Mr. Opera Ghost!" With that, Lin walked into the food court and the Opera Ghost left.

Flashback end

Y/N sighed. "What to do with you." Lin laughed nervously.

"At least I got to meet the Opera Ghost."

"I guess so. Come, it's time for bed."

"Ok." Y/N gave Lin some night clothes that Mme. Giry gave her. After Lin was done changing behind the changing screen, he got into bed. "Can you sing for me please?"

"Of course." Y/N walked over and sat next to his body. She started singing the song her parents left her and her brother the day her their parents ran away.

Think of me
Think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me
Once in a while
Please, promise me you'll try

When you find l
That once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you can still remember
Stop and think of me

Y/N continued to sing. Not knowing of the person, who is shocked, outside of her door, listening. Y/N was about to approach the climax but stopped. Seeing her brother asleep. She kissed her brother's forehead lightly and said, "Goodnight." She stood up and got changed. Afterwards, she blew out the candles and went to sleep in her bed.

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