Chapter 6

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"You don't know?" Mme. Giry looked shocked, stopping in her tracks, making Y/N stop as well.

"I only know that something happened and 6 months later Lin and I were left on the steps of an orphanage." Y/N said while keeping a straight face.


"Ya. Care to explain what happened?" They started walking again.

"As you probably already know, your parents were PrimaDonna and a composer." Y/N nodded. "Well, a new woman came along named Chevrolet Boucher."

"Yes, she had blonde hair didn't she?"

"Yes. She auditioned for one of Travers' new operas." Yes, now I remember. "It was originally supposed to star Char and your father, but in the end—"

"Chevrolet got the female lead." Y/N interrupted.

"Yes. Most people here were upset about this."

"I can see why. Mother and Father were perfect for each other and every time they sang, it was magical."

"It certainly was. Well, the Opera Ghost was mad by Boucher getting the female lead."

"You mean he's been around for 13 years?!"

"Yes child. Now let me finish." Mme. Giry said a little annoyed. "Everyone knew the Char and Travers hated Boucher. It was like she was trying to separate them. The next morning, after the first showing of the opera, Boucher was found dead in the PrimaDonna room. A noose around her neck."

Y/N gasped. "She was murdered?!"

"Yes. Everyone thought that it was Charpentier and Travers because of their hatred towards her. So they were forced into hiding, bringing you." Mme. Giry looked at Y/N staring back at her.

"And 6 months later, Lin was born, and we were sent to the orphanage." Y/N looked sown, sadness in her eyes.

"Yes, they loved you—"

"Yes, I know."

"They didn't want you to get into their mess so that's why they left you at an orphanage, I'm guessing."

"Yes, I understand. And if I'm putting all the pieces together right. The Opera Ghost killed Chevrolet Boucher."

"Yes." Mme. Giry confirmed. Then there was an awkward silence.

"Enough of this talk of murder. How is Christine and Meg doing, in the dancing aspect? I saw them yesterday, when they came to get me and Linville. They still act the same, almost look the same too, well except they've matured more." Y/N and Mme. Giry chuckled.

"Yes, they have great potential. Exceptionally Christine."

"Can't wait to see them in action." Y/N said with a smile.

"Of course. How were you able to live on your own? With the little boy as well. Did a family ever adopt you two?"

"No, nobody wanted us because we refused to be separated. I promised Mom and Dad that I would take care of him and I am."

"How was the orphanage like?"

"Hell. Every time Lin cried, I would be yelled at to shut him up or the adults there would try to beat him but I would step in the way so he wouldn't get hurt. I would get beat a lot actually. I have numerous scars on my back. But it was worth it. I don't think Lin knows either, that's a good thing. If he ever found out, I have no clue what his reaction would be. Regret? Shame? I don't know but now? Now Lin is a bright and brilliant young man. Even though we lived on the street for the past year and a half."

"You have definitely been through a lot. I can see it in your eyes."

"Yes. I said. It was worth it."

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