Happy Halloween!!!

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GOOD LORD KILL ME!!!! I haven't updated in what seems like forever and it's already Halloween.... Jesus Christ. I literally have no excuse for this shit. Anyway, to make up for that....not really. Here's a chap—a story(it has modern technology in it) also the flaming head is in this. Instead of that one guy(I forgot who he was) doing the flaming head, I'm gonna have Erik do it. Now for the story!! And a one and a two and a—

"Erik!!" Y/N yelled, running down the tunnels and bursting into the lounge where Erik was composing. Erik jumped and glared at Y/N.

"What?!" Y/N shoved a phone in his face.

"This says it's your birthday today! Who knew you were born on Halloween!?"

"I wasn't." He said shoving Y/N away.

"How do you know that?" He froze.

"Ummm, uhhh—" Y/N giggled.

"I'm kidding. But it is Halloween and I have a new song just for today!"


"Yup and it's called Point of No Return." She said putting her hands on her hips. Erik looked at her with a you've-got-to-be-fucking-kidding-me face.

"Y/N. That's my song."

"Hahaha, I know, hahaha. The song is really called Spooky Scary Skeletons. It's not really a opera or piano song. Just a fun little song that doesn't take much to sing. It's a slow song as well."

"There is going to be a Halloween party tonight, isn't there?"

"Yes. Are you going to come? Christine, Meg, Lin, and I are all going to be singing the song there."

"Maybe." Y/N clapped her hands and smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes! See you there! Goodbye!" She waved bye to him and then left.



"Ladies and Gentlemen! Next up is the 4 Skeletons!" Y/N, Christine, Meg, and Lin were all dressed up as skeletons and got on to the small stage. Y/N looked at a dark corner of the room and saw a pair of glowing golden eyes. She smiled at him and started singing.

Play the song now. You can listen to it or not. I don't have control of what you do.

After the song everyone clapped and Y/N snuck over to the dark spot where she saw Erik. But he wasn't there. Suddenly, in the middle of the room, was a flaming head. No one could see the body, only the head. Once one person screamed, everyone else screamed too.

"It's the Phantom of the Opera!!" Meg yelled. The flaming head disappeared and the managers tried to calm everyone down but no one would. Erik then appeared right behind Y/N and whispered into her ear. Which made her jump.

"Happy Halloween."

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