Chapter 11

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Lin had just finished his audition. "How was I, N/N?!" Lin excitedly asked.

"You did great, Lin! Better than Piangi."

"Haha! And you did better than Carlotta and Piangi combined!" Lin joked. They both started to laugh but stopped when they heard one of the managers call for attention.

"We would like to announce that Y/N and Linville will be the leads for this upcoming opera." Said M. Andre with a smile. Y/N and Lin both looked at each other with a shocked expression then smiled. Lin started to jump.

"We did it!" He yelled and hugged Y/N. She hugged him back.

"Ya, we did." She said while looking at everyone's faces. First, Christine and Meg, they had big smiles in their faces. Then Mme. Giry, who had a small smile on her face. Then finally Carlotta and Piangi, who looked like they were gonna murder someone. Mostly Carlotta, Piangi was just mad that a 13 year old boy stole his spot light. Y/N just smirked at them.


"Wow." Lin said, amazed. "The PrimmaDonna room. Ew." Lin saw a picture of Carlotta hanging on the wall. "What is that doing here?"

Y/N chuckled. "This was Carlotta's room."

"Not anymore. I don't want to wake up and see her face everyday."

"Just deal with it. Who says we're going to get the next leads anyway?"

"I do."

"Bipolar much?" Y/N mumbled.

"I heard that!"

"I'm going to take a walk. Don't get into trouble." Y/N said while putting her music down on the table.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." He made an X over his heart while plopping down on the bed and started reading his book. Y/N just rolled her eyes and left. Y/N looked to her left and then to her right, but when she looked to her right, she immediately started to walk left. Why? Well, that's because there was an angry toad stomping towards her.

Really? An angry toad?

What? How else are you supposed to describe Carlotta?

Well, Erik did call her a toad.

Yes, I am only agreeing with him.



Well, are you gonna write?

Oh! Yes.

"Where do you think you're going, you little roach?!" The toad yelled. Carlotta grabbed Y/N's shoulder and spun her around to face her.

"Um, for a walk."

"How dare you steal my spotlight?!?!"

"Very easily."

"Oh, you think you're really smart, don't you?" Carlotta crossed her arms.

"Smarter than you." Y/N said with a little amusement in her eyes. Carlotta gasped.

"Why you—" Carlotta started but then was interrupted by a thunk. Both Carlotta and Y/N looked in the direction the sound came from. Mme. Giry was standing there with her cane in front of her.

"I suggest that you two stop this bickering."

"I'm not the one who started it." Y/N mumbled, rolling her eyes. This resulted in a glare from Mme. Giry.

"Y/N is now the PrimmaDonna so, deal with it." Mme. Giry said then left. The toad glared at Y/N then left as well. Y/N just smirked then started her walk again.

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