Chapter 16

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I WENT TO GO SEE PANIC AT THE DISCO YESTERDAY(August 18th,2018)!!!!!!!! It was their last show for the Pray For The Wicked! It ended where I live and that's Las Vegas! It was amazing!!! When he sang Dying in LA, he played the piano IN THE AIR!!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!! I even had good seats!

Lucky bastard.

I know right? He even sang Bohemian Rhapsode and Girl Just Wanna Have Fun and it was amazing! He also did a drum off with his drummer! He won obviously, I WAS SO COOL!!!!!!! What made it even more cool was that he said he grew up here in Las Vegas ad went he high school down the road where I used to live! He even worked at Tropical Juice over there too!

That's awesome! But are you just here to boast about going to go see Panic or what?

No. I'm here to update but I needed someone to fan-girl too.

Then get on with it!

Damn. I know you like Panic too. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Reader-chan rolls her eyes.

Hahaha! Ok I'll start the chapter now. Warning: there is abuse in the first part of this.


"Damn, you little demon!" A woman yelled at a 5 year old boy.

"Please, Madame Wilferd! He didn't mean it!" Y/N begged while she guarded the boy. The woman turned her anger towards Y/N.

"Oh? If he didn't mean it," She said calmly."THEN WHY DID HE HIT ME?!" Madame Wilferd slapped Y/N so hard, that she fell to the ground. She then started to repeatedly kick the 11 year old girl in the gut. Once she was done, she stomped away to do who knows what, while saying, "I suggest getting that DEMON under control."

Y/N slowly got up, coughing a little bit. When Y/N got to her knees, her 5 year old brother came running up to her and smile innocently. A small smile came to Y/N's lips and she said, "Watch where you're running Lin."

Lin nodded and then hugged her. "Ok! Can we play now or are you just gonna say you have to do something?" He crossed his arms.

"Sorry, but I have to clean. I promise I'll play with you when I'm done."

Lin stuck out his pinky finger. "Pinky promise?" Y/N grabbed his pinky with her pinky.

"Pinky promise."

Lin smiled. "OK!" He then ran off doing whatever he was gonna do. Y/N got up and went off to wash the floors, still in pain from the bruises she had and the new ones.

End of Dream

Y/N woke up in a cold sweat. She pulled off her covers of and stood up on the cold ground. Shivering from the coldness, she walked out and noticed Erik still up, sitting at his organ. He's not playing anything, just...staring. Y/N smiled a little bit and spoke, snapping him out of his dazed state. "Do you ever sleep?"

Erik snapped his head over towards Y/N. "You're up early." Erik stated.

"I'll take that as a no." She walked up to the organ and stood next to Erik. "What time is it?"

"7:40 a.m."

"I only slept for 5 hours.... Lin's not up yet then." She looked at the clock and then back at Erik. "What have you been doing for the past 5 hours?"

"Composing." Y/N looked at the music sheet in front of Erik.

"Are you stuck? Composers block is the worst." She said while sitting next to Erik. He stiffened up a bit and scooted a couple inches away from her.

"Yes, it is." There was an awkward silence between the 2, until Erik spoke up, breaking the silence. "I've been thinking." Y/N smirked and looked up at him.

"Isn't that what you normally do?" Erik rolled his eyes.

"You're vice is great but I can tell that you can improve." Y/N looked at him confused and a little offended.

"What are you getting at?

"I would like to give you singing lessons in payment for helping me with Christine." Y/N's jaw dropped.

"No way...." Y/N said.

"Is something the mat—" He was interrupted by Y/N hugging him.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" Y/N squealed. Erik was stiff and shocked at the same time. Y/N pulled away and frowned. "whats wrong Erik?" Erik dropped his head.

"N-No one has ever hugged Erik." Y/N hugged him again.

"Well, now Erik can say that he has been hugged before." Erik just sat there, not knowing what to do. Y/N then pulled away and smiled. Erik slowly looked up at Y/N "When does Erik want to start the lessons." Erik shook his head and put on a straight face.

"We must discuss the rules first."


"Yes. Rule 1: you will come down here at 12am on the dot. Don't be late."

"Ok." Y/N nodded.

"Rule 2: your voice belongs to me and no one else. You will sing for me only." Y/N glared at Erik.

"I already have a problem."

"Oh? Is that right?"

"Obviously! What if I want to sing for Lin!? I mean, he is my brother."

"I will make one exception," Erik sighed, "but no one else."

"Thank you."

"And finally, tule 3: you will not be in a relationship with a man while taking lessons with me." Y/N looked away with a bored expression.

"Oh, so don't let someone court me. That's fine. I'm not really looking for anyone and I don't like anyone that way anyway." Erik nodded.

"Good, so there will be no problems."

"Yup! When do we start?"

"Tonight. It is almost 8."

"Then Lin should be up soon."

"Come, I'll show you the way back." He said tanning up from the organ stool.

Again. Over 1000 words.

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