Chapter 15

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Before you read on, let me explain the picture up above. I got my schedule for my freshman year and I see that my health teacher's name is ERIK DAVIS. So in other words, Erik D. I now have a new respect for this man even though I have never met him. That is because his name is beautiful and all I can think of when reading his name is Erik Destler, my absolute favorite character in Phantom of the Opera. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.

"So," Y/N started, "You'll dress up as Red Death, crash the masquerade, insult almost everyone, tell the mangers to put on your opera(that isn't finished just yet), and cat Christine as the female lead." Y/N and Erik have been planning this for about 2 hours. It doesn't even take place until 2 months later. Erik nodded.

"Pretty much, yes." Y/N was sitting on the organ bench while Erik as pacing the floor in front of her.

"Will you stop pacing?! It's getting annoying!" Y/N said, annoyed. Erik stopped and looked at her, the same annoyed look in his eyes as hers.

"Well sorry," he said sarcastically,"I do this when I'm thinking."

"Well then stop thinking!" Y/N yelled.

"How can I stop thinking when when we are literally making a plan that takes place in 2 months!?" Erik yelled back.

"Then sit down!" Y/N grabbed Erik's arm(which caught him off guard) and pulled him next to her. "There. Now you won't pace anymore." Erik blinked a few times.

"What. The. H—"

OH! Ok! Major problemo here! Erik would probably never say 'What the hell?' What is wrong with you Author-chan!

Author-chan is talking to herself again.

Maybe it's writers block?

I don't know, maybe.

Ah HA! I know!

Author-chan calls her friend/co-author, Pastelgaykid, but she doesn't pick up.

God damn it! She's too busy writing her damn Peter Pan Reddie AU! Guess I'm doing this SOLO! Hahaha! See what I did there? *wink wink* *nudge nudge* Star Wars fans.... Ok I'll stop.

There was a silence between the 2 until Y/N spoke up. "You know, Lin and I got the leads for this upcoming opera."

"Oh?" Erik asked, already knowing the information. Y/N nodded.

"Ya, we auditioned the other," Y/N started, but then quickly changed the subject. "What time is it by the way?"

"1 o'clock am."

"Oh. Already? Dang...I wonder what Lin is going to think about us being friends." Erik stiffened at the comment.

"I haven't the slightest idea." There was an awkward silence. Y/N looked at Erik. She noticed that something was on his mind, so she ask what was bothering him with a confused look. He sighed.

"Where did Linville come from? I don't remember your mother—" Y/N laughed.

"Mother had him 8 months after we left. I was tasked with taking care of him and giving him a name, which of course is Linville, my favorite name." Erik nodded.

"And you had to live on the street." He commented.

"Only for 2 years."

"How about the other 11 years?"

"We lived in an orphanage." Y/N quickly faked a yawn and stood up. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed. If I don't wake up by 7 am, please wake me up. Goodnight Erik." She then left before Erik could even mutter a word. Leaving him to wonder why she would fake being tired; to not talk about her time at the orphanage spiked Erik's curiosity. What were the conditions that they have been living in? Y/N hasn't told anyone except for Madame Giry, who is like a second mother to her. Erik dismissed the thoughts, his mind going back to his Angel. He turned to his unfinished opera and started working on it.

Y/N went into the bedroom and blew out all the candles except for one, setting it on the bedside table. She pulled the covers back and laid down(she wasn't even tired). Her mind invaded by random thoughts whilst Erik's organ played in the background. She thought about the orphanage, her younger brother, Lin, and Erik, The Phantom of the Opera. How could she forget her masked friend? Was it because she was too focused with protecting Lin? Whatever it was, she is friends with THE Opera Ghost. How cool is that?! I mean, ya, he has killed people but as long as you don't get on his bad side, right? They have both grown so much over the past 13 years. Erik still has a white mask covering half of his face. Still very tall. When they were younger, Erik was a foot smaller than he is now, he is easily 6 foot 7 now, maybe even taller. Y/N is 5 foot 7, only going slightly below Erik's shoulders. Y/N is slightly different from back when she was 6 years old. She is a foot and 5 inches taller than she was when she was 6. She also is more responsible and takes great care of her brother. She is also very understanding. Mainly because of the abuse she had to go through the 11 years she was at the orphanage. As she laid there, tossing and turning, her eyes started to become heavy and she slowly slipped into the world of darkness.

Oh, almost 1000 words. I'm just gonna type out a bunch of letters now because I want to. You don't have to read on btw.

Ghdhvgfgfgg dgdvhdvhscbsd dbshdvhscvgs. Shh he dh s dash sh. S is vdjhhf fav if d f. F. Fix f jhbsjzvhjvhjvbh zh svjccbcvvvcdvh jvbvsyebysvzsvscvsvsbc. I can only see the way you have the time and you can only have the best game to date you don't even need it for the iPad and then it is so much better and I love the graphics but it is a bit much.

1000 words.

1000 words

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