Chapter 13

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Damn, it's dark. Should have brought a torch.
Y/N thought while walking down a flight of stairs. How many tunnels and stairs are in this place anywa— The floor under her opened up, causing her to fall through a 15 foot drop. "SHHHHIIII—!!!" Y/N screamed But was cut off when she hit water. WHAT THE HELL?!?! I CAN'T SWIM!!! She tried to swim(she just started to swing her arms and legs) but her dress limited her and she also started to scream in the water (cough bad idea cough). A-Am I going to die?! Was the last thing she could think of before two strong arms wrapped around her waist and brought her out of the water, that was the last thing she could remember before blacking out.

Let's see what Erik was doing.

Erik was sitting at his organ composing. He is working on an opera that he's been working on for the past ten years, Don Juan Triumphant. As he was working on that(not wanting to be interrupted), he was interrupted by an alarm. Someone set off one of the stairwell, water traps. Erik growled, getting up to see who his intruder is. He walked over to the lake's shore and hopped into his gondola.

Once on the other side of the lake, he accented the stairs. As he was walking up to the trap, his sensitive ears heard slashing and screaming. He got up to the trap and looked down, he noticed the person and recognized the voice but couldn't tell where he's heard it but could tell it was a woman. He quickly jumped in and wrapped his arms around her waist. He turned a handle which opened the wall and a ladder showed up. He climbed up the ladder, careful not to drop her. Once out, he was able to get a closer look at her. Y-Y/N?! Why is she here?

Erik decided that the best course of action would be to bring her to his lair. So he did. He gently set Y/N in the gondola as to not wake her. Her head resting on the cushioned sit. When he got back to his house, the boat hit the shore and he jumped out swiftly. He then put an arm under her knees and the other under her neck, carrying her bridal style.

He walked over to the swan bed(he made for Christine) and gently laid her on it. He walked over to the closet and got out some dry clothes. I'm going to have to change her clothes. I don't think she would like to get sick. And...he did. He didn't want to be impolite but at the same time he didn't want her to get sick, so he gently started taking off her cream colored dress. He quickly grabbed the light blue gown and put it on her. It was closed from the back with a zipper. As he was pulling the zipper up(oh god, what am I writing) he briefly saw the scars on Y/N's back but quickly closed the dress and laid her head back on the pillow. He then got up and walked out of the room with the wet clothes.


Y/N woke up to an organ playing. She couldn't recognize the music but it was beautiful(it's Masquerade). She looked around and noticed she wasn't in the PrimmaDonna room. Where am I? After that question, everything from before she pasted out came back to her and she bowed her head in disappointment. Out of everything Dad and Mom taught me, they didn't teach me how to swim. She then noticed her clothes. Who the bloody hell changes my clothes?! She quickly took off the red blanket she was covered in and put her feet on the cold stone. Cold! She stood up and walked out of the room, trying to forget the cold floor. As she walked out of the room, the first thing she noticed was the lake. Then all the candles lighting everything. As she looked to her right she saw an organ and at that organ was a man in a nice suit, playing it. "You saved me didn't you?" The man flinched and glared at her. Her eyes widened when she saw the white mask but then did a closed eyed smile. "Thank you again, Monsieur Opera Ghost." His eyes widened.

"Why are you not scared?" Y/N gave him a confused look.

"Should I be?" Y/N then made a scared look. "Oh no! It's The Phantom of the Opera! What should I do? Run?" The Phantom stood up.

"Ok ok, I get it." Y/N chuckled but then blushed.

"D-Did you change my clothes?" She mentally cursed herself for stuttering. The Phantom sighed.

"Yes. I didn't want to get the bed wet." Y/N gave him a I'm-not-buying-it look while crossing her arms. She sighed.

"What's your name?" Y/N asked, change the subject.

"You already know my name." He said, dismissing the question.

"No, I don't. What is it? I only know your fake names. The Phantom of the Opera, Opera Ghost, and Angel of Music." The Phantom glared at her.

"Where did you hear that last name?"

"Christine. She speaks very highly of you." Y/N said sarcastically. The Phantom mumbled something but she couldn't hear it. "So," Y/N took a couple steps toward him. "What is your real name?"

I both hate and love this chapter....

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