Chapter 17

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"Come, I'll show you the way back." He said standing up from the organ stool.

Once back at the mirror, Y/N looked in to see Lin reading his book, waiting "patiently" for Y/N to return. Bags are under his eyes(clearly from lack of sleep), making him look like a raccoon with it's nose in a book. Y/N sighed, a bit annoyed by knowing Lin stayed up all night. She then turned to Erik who was staring at her. "Lin really wants to meet you." She whispered.

"Why me?" He whispered back, genuinely curious.

"Because supposedly 'met you first.'" She made quotation arks with her fingers. Erik kept a straight face.

"No." He turned to head back to his lair but was stopped by Y/N grabbing his hand, making Erik tense up.

"Please. He's been up all night." Erik turned and looked at Y/N's pleading eyes and sighed.

"Fine." With that said, Y/N opened the mirror to much of Lin's delight. He lifted his eyes from his book and stood up.

"You're back! About time! I've been waiting for—" This was when he laid his eyes on Erik, who was slowly closing the mirror. Lin put his hands on his cheeks and stared at Erik in excitement. Finally muttering, "Y-You brought the Phantom with you."

"Yes, I did. Good morning by the way." Y/N said while eyeing Lin's eyes. He still had his hands on his face staring at Erik while erik stared right back with a blank expression.

"Mooornnnniiiinnng." He...said? Y/N crossed her arms and glared at the 13 year old boy.

"Why didn't you go to sleep?" She said calmly but stern. Lin finally looked at Y/N, slowly moving is hands from his face.

"I was waiting for you!" He pointed towards Y/N.

"You're old enough to put yourself to sleep. You look like a raccoon!"

"See! She's always yelling at me!" Lin said to Erik, who frankly had no part in the argument(Siblings, am I right? I don't have a sibling that lives with me so I'm just guessing how they would act).

"Excuse me!" Y/N yelled.

"You're excused." Lin said. Erik finally decided to cut in.

"Alright children." He said. "That's enough bickering for one day."

Lin huffed. "Fine, but what I really want to know is your real name." He said to Erik. Erik looked at the boy curiously.

"Why do you want to know my name so badly?"

"Because I bumped into you first." He said, eyeing Y/N.

"Suuuurrrrrrrrre you did." She said, then stepping up, and gesturing to Lin first, then Erik. "Lin, Erik. Erik, Lin."

Lin smiled brightly and waved. "Hello!!" Erik looked at Lin confused. He looked at Y/N who only mouthed the word 'bipolar.'

"Hello." He said simply.

"So, your real name is Erik huh? I bet I can guess your last name."

"Oh?" Lin crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and smiled.

"Yup. It's only fair I get to guess your last name first," He then glared at Y/N, "since I met you first." Y/N rolled her eyes. Erik smirked.

"Ok then, what's my last name?" Erik got cocky.

"Destler." Erik looked at Lin shocked.

"How—" Y/N chuckled in the background.

"Easy. When me and Y/N—"

"Y/N and I." Y/N corrected. Lin rolled his eyes.

"When Y/N and I were watching rehearsals for Hannibal. I noticed that the person who made it only left their last name."

"I'm the one that pointed it out." Y/N said but was ignored.

"So Y/N and I came to the conclusion that you are Destler." Lin finished explaining.

"It was only a guess." Y/N added. Lin nodded, he then pointed at Erik accusingly.

"Now to copyright you for use of our dad's song without permission!" Lin had a triumphant smile on his face. Y/N facepalmed while Erik looked lost.

"Lin...." Y/N whispered. " idiot." There was then silence. "Lin."

"Yes, sis?"

"Do you promise to keep all of this a secret? If any of this were to gets out, Erik's reputation will change from Phantom to a friendly ghost. Which frankly, considering how the managers are with him already, that wouldn't be good. S—"

"I get it. Get along with it already." Lin complained. Y/N crossed her arms(Erik shocked while this conversation was going on). Y/N gestured towards Erik, whom shook his head and gave then siblings confused looks, which was pretty much a poker face because of his mask...mainly.

"Erik is a family friend. He automatically has permission even though he never asked. He loved our parents voices, as well as father's composing, and also he thought that they were great." Lin's eyes turned bright.

"So the Phantom of the Opera is a friend of ours." Y/N looked at Erik while Lin said that. He tensed up. Y/N looked back at Lin slowly.


"So our parents met him?"

"Not exactly." Lin looked at Y/N suspiciously and crossed his arms.

"So—" Just then, there was a knock at the door, making all 3 people in the room snap their heads to the door.

"Y/N, Lin! Are you up?" Meg said from the other side of the door.

"Shit." Lin cursed.

"Linville!" Y/N scolded. She looked back to see Erik gone. "Yes, we're up! Just a moment!"

"Really?! I didn't even get to ask any questions!" Lin whisper-yelled. Y/N put her hands on her hips and glared.

"Well then I guess you're going to have to wait until next time." Lin stuck out his younger out at Y/N. Y/N looked at the mirror feeling like someone was watching them. She quickly shrugged the feeling off knowing who it was and opened the door to see Meg and Christine. "Hello Meg, Christine." Y/N smiled.

Happy thanksgiving!! See you next time!!

Get on a regular schedule....


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