Chapter 10

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Thanks Pastelgaykid for the picture.
One Month Later

"Hey Y/N." Christine said, picking into Y/N's room.

"Ya Christine? What's up?" Y/N said, looking up from her desk. Lin was on the bed reading. He may be cute and bubbly but he's also a total bookworm. Fantasy and action books are his favorite. Christine fully walked inside and up to Y/N.

"What are you doing?" Christine asked while looking at the desk. There were music sheets everywhere on the desk. Some crumbled, some not.

"Oh, I'm just working on some songs, composing. It's kind of hard without a piano or organ." Y/N chuckled.

"Wow! You must be skilled then."

"Ya, I guess so."

"It almost reminds me of the Angel of Music."

"Angel of Music?" Both Lin and Y/N asked.

"Yes. The Angel of Music is a brilliant man, but he is also very strict. His face is also deformed. He—"

"So does he wear a mask to cover it up?" Lin interrupted.

"Yes. He took me to his world a month ago. It's a world of unending night. He lives under the Opera House." Y/N and Lin looked at each other then back at Christine. "But enough of this talk. I was originally here to ask if you wanted to go shopping with me and Meg."

"Oh, ya, sure. I'll meet you two in front of the Opera House in ten minuets."

"Alright. See you in ten minutes." Christine smiled then left.

"So." Lin said.

"So." Y/N replied.

"Angel of Music is..."

"The Phantom of the Opera."

"Just how many names does one guy have?! First it's the Opera Ghost, then the Phantom of the Opera, and now Angel of Music!" Lin said plopping down on his bed again.

"Not to mention his real name." Y/N pointed out.

"We don't know his real name except that guess of his last name!" Lin yelled annoyed.

"Calm down, Lin." It was true that they both wanted to know the Phantom's real name but Lin was really annoyed. Once he's interested in making a new friend, he finds out the name, no matter what(well, except for anything harsh). Y/N not so much. She doesn't have many friends. Only Mme. Giry, Meg, and Christine... Lin too obviously. Also Erik but all she removed him is that she secretly hung out with him when she was six and that he was tall for a twelve year old. "At least we know for sure that mask isn't for show."

"We decided on that like three weeks ago."

"It's still nice to find out from someone who's actually seen his face."

"Whatever. You should hurry. You have like, five minutes left."

"Oh. Thank you. I'll see you later." Y/N said why quickly grabbing her purse.

"Ya ya. Have fun." Lin waved his hand while going back to his book. Y/N just stuck out her tongue at him and left.

TimeSkip to the next day

They were doing auditions for the leads in a new opera. Of course Y/N and Lin are going to try out. "Next...." One of the managers said. Everyone was annoyed. Every person that auditioned was bad(except for Christine). Girls were crying because they didn't make the cut and the tension was high. M. Reyer, The Director, was even annoyed. Y/N was next. As she walked towards middle stage, the managers and M. Reyes's faces lit up.

"Finally someone who's actually good." M. Firmin mumbled.

"You May start when you're ready." M. Andre said. Y/N nodded.

"Ready." She told M. Reyer. Then the music started. Lin, standing in the background smiling.

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