Chapter 14

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"Christine. She speaks very highly of you." Y/N said sarcastically. The Phantom mumbled something but she couldn't hear it. "So," Y/N took a couple steps toward him. "What is your real name?"

There was an awkward silence before Erik spoke, avoiding the question. "Why are you not scared? I'm the Opera Ghost, The Phantom of the Opera! I could kill you right now! I make people run away jus—"

"You're avoiding my question." Y/N walked up to him so they were only a foot away. "I'm not going to ask again." Erik finally gave up trying to avoid the question, see as Y/N won't let it go. He sighed.

"Erik...Erik Destler." At this everything clicked. Y/N's jaw dropped as she remembered when she would venture down into the catacombs of the Opera Populaire when she was a young child, still living with her parents. That's where little 6 year old Y/N met 12 year old Erik. She smiled, her teeth showing.

"I thought I recognized you!" Erik looked at her, dumbfounded.


"It's been so long! Oh! I can't believe I forgot you! I'm so sorry! I should have told you I was leaving the Opera House. Then again I was only 6 years—" Before Y/N could start talking for hours on end; Erik put his hands on her shoulders.

"Y-You remember me?" Erik asked, to which Y/N nodded her head.

"At first, when I accidentally bumped into you, I thought I recognized you. And then when Madame Giry and I were talking about why my parents dropped me and Lin off at an orphanage, she said that you killed a woman names Chevrolet Boucher. When she mentioned you, I asked myself where I've heard of the Phantom of the Opera again. And then now I realize that my childhood friend IS the Phantom of the Opera!"

She says that like it don't affect her.

Well it doesn't

Says the one who's been on a hiatus(without telling us) for the past month and a half.

Ok! Ya, I'm sorry. But hey, I was planning on working on this again on the 3rd of August, but I got inspiration while reading POTO fan fics. Also since my Uncle gave me an iPad Mini 2 and I ordered a case from Amazon, WITH A KEYBOARD. I can finally type out my story on my iPad! That's also why I decided to work on this story. *whispers* Even tho I don't have the case with me rn, cause I forgot to change the address, so it's at my house instead of my grandma's house.

Oh really?

Really. Now shut up so I can finish this chapter. You don't want me to tie you up and make you watch the bad high school version of Heathers again, do you?

No. NO! Not the fat JD again!!*runs away*

"F-Friend? You're not scared? You don't care that I've killed people?!" Erik yelled. Y/N took a step back but wasn't scared. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"Nope. I understand why you did it," She then crossed her arms and gave him a "Really?" look,"but I don't understand why you kidnapped Christine."

"That is none of your concern." Erik hissed. Y/N shrugged.

"It is when it's my friend."

"I brought her down because I love her." Erik mumbled. Y/N's jaw dropped. Erik looked at her confused.


"Damn, you love someone and I don't. I'm jealous! Christine's got admirers and yet here I am with none! Y/N threw up her hands. "I'm happy for you though. I hope she realizes how much you love her." She looked up at Erik, who had wide eyes with tears threatening to fall.

"No one has said they were happy for me."

"Well now someone has. I'll help you in anyway I can!" Erik looked at her.

"Well...if you say that."

And so they made plans for the masquerade that is at the end of the year.

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