Chapter 7

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Let's visit Erik, shall we?

The phantom was sitting at his organ—

Wow! Amazing! YA! Encore! Encore! Encore!

Oh shut up, Author-Chan!

Fine! But you know I'm the one writing your lines!

Just write the damn story! You already missed a deadline!

Ya, I know. I'll get to it.

The phantom was sitting at his organ thinking. They remind me so much of Charpentier and Travers. Exceptionally the girl...she has the same name as their daughter...Y/N.... But this girl said she doesn't know her last name. She was lying. I saw it in her eyes. Not to mention what she said to that boy, her brother. They both said that their parents both worked here. That Y/N said that the room they're staying in was their parents! That was Char and Travers' room! There's no way it could be her! Could it? No! I don't remember Char and Travers having a second child. But N/N's favorite name was always Linville.... What am I thinking?! It could just be a coincidence! Plus, I'm the one who made them leave! If I only knew that that was going to happen...that they would be forced into hiding...that they would get the blame! The phantom—

Why don't you just call him Erik?

I don't know?! I'm the one writing this story! I just wing this.

You're so short tempered.

You're interrupting the story.

Alright, fine. I'll shut up.

Thank you. Now where was I?

The phantom quick—

You should reeally call him Erik, cause that is his name.


ERIK quickly got up from his seat. I should take a walk around. To clear my mind.



Short TimeSkip


I only said you should—!

We are having some technical difficulties. Please stand by.

*Heavy Breathing*


Shut up and let me write!

Author-Chan yelled at a tied up Reader-Chan.


I am only here to narrate.

Fair enough.

Short TimeSkip from when Erik got up from his seat.

As Erik was walking through the Opera Populaire, he started to hear voices. As he got closer, he noticed that Y/N and Mme. Giry were talking. "—Now Lin is a bright and brilliant young man. Even though we lived on the street for the past year and a half." Y/N said with a little sadness and little happiness in her eyes. Oh?

"You have definitely been through a lot. I can see it in your eyes." Mme. Giry pointed out.

"Yes. I said. It was worth it." Worth it?

"Madame Giry! There you are. We have been looking for you." One of those dimwit managers said. "Oh, hello Y/N."

"Hello, M. Andre. Good morning!" Y/N said cheerfully.

"Good morning!" Both managers said.

"I'll leave you three alone. I'm pretty sure Lin is up and is probably confused on how he got on to the floor." They all laughed.

"Alright, be sure to be on time for rehearsals." Mme. Giry said.

"Of course." Y/N said, waving them 'bye' and walking in the direction of Erik.

Reader-Chan broke free.

Why are you calling the managers dimwits?!

Cause I can! Plus I've never really cared for them, Raoul, and Meg.

So cold!

Shut up!

Author-Chan put more duck tape over Reader-Chan's mouth.

And you shut up too!

And now she's yelling at me. Good day readers.

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