Chapter 5

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Y/N woke up as the sun was just peeking over the horizon. She always woke up this early. She sat up and stretched, yawning in the process. Where am I again? She thought, then remembered what happened the day before. Oh ya. She sung her feet over the side of the bed, shivering as her feet touched the cold, wooden floor. Now to start my life with annoying ballerinas and divas. (Sorry, I find them annoying, unless they are nice) She stood up and walked over to her wardrobe full of clothes for her and her brother that Mme. Giry gave them. Just some cheap ones. She picked out a plain, light blue dress and changed, putting on her flats she bought. People here are probably not up yet. She yawned again. She looked at Her brother sleeping. Y/N almost laughed at him because he's hugging his pillow, drooling, and one leg hanging over the side. She decided to leave him alone and sat down in the only chair in the room. Now that That I'm older, I'm going to have an almost, whole new perspective here. She looked in the mirror and saw her bed head. I should brush my hair. She grabbed a brush and started to comb her hair, thinking back to her conversation with her brother before they went to bed. Why does a masked man sound so familiar? Just then her brother fell off the bed, making a loud thump, and making Y/N jump. She snapped her head back to she a sleeping Linville still sleeping, but on the floor. He still had a hold on his pillow and his blanket was tangled around him. And how did he not wake up from that? Y/N stood up after she brushed her hair and decided to walk down to the stage. As she was about to turn around corner, she bumped into someone. "Ah! Sorry!" Y/N looked up to see the one and only Mme. Giry. Nice job Y/N.

"You're up early." Mme. Giry said.

"Same to you."

"Let me get to the point." Mme. Giry said.

"Hmm?" Y/N had a confused look on her face.

"I heard you singing last night. Is there something you are not telling me?" Mme. Giry asked suspiciously. Ggggggrrreat.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean." Y/N lied.

"As far as I am aware, you haven't even taken one peek at the music here, and yet you were able to sing the last song of the opera we are performing. How do you know it?" Mme. Giry narrowed her eyes at Y/N. Crap. I'm pretty sure she knows.

"I-I don't know."

"Don't lie to me child."

"Fine." Y/N dropped her head but slowly raised her head. "Mom and Dad left the music sheet for Think of Me with me and Lin when they ran away 13 years ago." Mme. Giry gave a sympathetic look to Y/N but quickly went back to normal.

"Little one," Mme. Giry started. Ya, she definitely remembers.

"Um um, ok, I-I can explain." Y/N started to panic a little bit. Mme. Giry only chuckled.

"Calm down."

"S-Sorry, ummm, long time no see?"

"Where have you been, Y/N Paris?"

"Yup, thought so." Mme. Giry chuckled again.

"You look just like your mother."

"Thanks." Y/N said just above a whisper.

"Come child, you have a lot of explaining to do." Mme. Giry started walking, Y/N following at her side.

"You do too."


"Yup. I have a feeling that you and one other person(Now I may be wrong) know why my parents ran away."

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