Chapter 2 - where am i?

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Two weeks before Hyunjin would go back to school, his friends had asked him to meet up at their usual cafe.

He actually wasn't feeling up to it for once, he was pretty tired and just wanted to lay in his bed forever.

It wasn't until he heard on knock on his door did he find a reason to get up.

Hyunjin runs a hand though his hair and opens to the door to find his best friend standing there, the Lee Minho.

"Holy shit, you okay hyunjin ah?" Minho asked looking at the state of his friend.

Hyunjin was naturally very handsome, but today in particular, he looked pretty dead.

"Yeah I'm fine, what's up hyung?" Hyunjin croaks out, rubbing his eye bags.

"Uhh what time did you go to sleep last night???"

"Like 6:30"

"Am or pm"

Hyunjin just stood there rubbing his eyes again, which pretty much answered Minhos question.

"Hyunjin ah!!" Minho held his nose bridge, annoyed, "What the hell were you doing up at 6:30 am??? We are literally on break!"

"You know, just the usual overwatch..."

Minho shook his head and sighed.

"What???? I had to rank up!"

"Whatever get yourself together everyone's waiting at the cafe," Minho said looking Hyunjin up and down and turning back around.

⇷ ⏾ ⇸

About 10 mins later Hyunjin and Minho arrive at the cafe and are greeted with their other friends, Chan, Felix, Changbin, and Jeongin.

They have been to this cafe hundreds of times in the past 3 years and so many memories have been held here.

The walls are painted a light gray and all the tables are a cute light brown. There are many posters of what looks to be a singer with English writing on the walls and lights hanging from the ceilings. It's just a great vibe and it quickly became the groups go to place.

A husband and a wife own this place however they seem to be out of town because a part timer is working there as they enter.

They take their seats order their usuals and talk about what they are going to do after graduating. They only have about a year and half and it seems like everyone has started to find their careers, everyone except Hyunjin...


Seungmin slowly open his eyes to a blinding light, his mind feels foggy and he hears muffled sounds coming from someone around him

"Help someone!!! He's waking up I think!!" Says a sweet but panicked voice that he recognizes.

As his mind begins to clear, he carefully looks around at his surroundings.

Where am I?

Before he can ponder anymore, a group of figures form around him and he starts to hear more muffled voices, everything seems so foggy and his head is pounding.

One man in particular takes a cloth off from around his head, as he pulls it away seugmin can see the blood stains. Everything starts becoming clearer, he notices the figures are wearing white coats and he has a million tubes attached to him.

Am i... in a hospital?

He tries his best to remember, while trying to lift himself to sit, but he cant seem to move a single muscle

The voices around him begin to become clearer too.

"He's still very lucky to be alive and he will soon be able to walk normally, i'm sorry for everything else though-" Says the same man's voice that he heard before.

Everything else?? How bad was I hurt?

The doctors see seungmin struggling to move and turn their attention turns to him. His emotions change from confusion to guilt as his mom and dad try to push through the doctors, calling out his name.

"Minnie I'm so glad your okay!!" Cried his mother as she pushes past the group and into Seungmins arms.

He starts to feel a sharp pain in his neck while his parents hug me tightly saying sweet things to me.

He opens his mouth to speak...

And nothing comes out....

welcome to my first story!!!
I'm sorry I made this chapter kinda short because I wanted a cliff hanger. BUT IM SO EXCITED!!! I had been thinking for a while about writing a story and I'm finally doing it! Hope you enjoy!

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