Chapter 30 - Exposed

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Days had passed in a blur.

They still hadn't woken up.

I spent every moment with Hyunjin. He supported me even through the days I just wanted to spend in his arms. If he wasn't here I don't know what I would've done.

Everything feels numb.

Like when you get a shot, the pain of the needle hurts like hell and then you can't feel anything. Like you've felt the pain before and now your used to it.

I know what's happening.

No matter how much Hyunjin tries to shield me for my own sake, I'm not stupid.

I know the same person who was after me is back.

I know that same person is my stalker.

I know somebody deeply hates our family.

And I'm scared.

They wanted to kill us. So they'll try again right?

Hyunjin is simply an angel, a blessing through my curse of a life. I must be the greatest burden to him but he still loves me so much. He makes these moments bare able. And I trust he'll keep me safe.

Our friends had come to visit me over the days i had been at Hyunjins house. I'm so greatful for them. They accepted me into their friend group ignoring all of my problems and loving me unconditionally. Another blessing.

Through much of Hyunjins convincing, I agreed to go to school today. It was midterms. And this was my senior year so it was important.

Though I certainly wasn't in the right mind.

And I hadn't been outside much.

To be honest it was getting cold and uncomfortable to be outside for long periods of time. But it was mainly due to the fact I was still healing from the shock.

Hyunjin and I spent most of our time in his room watching movies or playing games to keep me entertained. Keep my mind off my second chance at life falling apart just like the first.

But when I stepped outside this morning. It was new.

I've never seen the holidays in Seoul.

Sure I lived in LA before which some might call the most extra city ever and maybe it was because I've been inside for like a week but it was beautiful.

We walked through the streets covered in lights and the smell of pumpkin maybe cinnamon too. You know that feeling of the holidays, even just looking at all the decorations lifts one's mood.

Bundled up with scarfs covering our necks, I wonder how it gotten much colder in just days. Hyunjins hand clutches mine through gloves as we walk the path to school.

Everything seems unfamiliar.

Like the first time I came to Korea.

It's almost overwhelming.

But I have Hyunjin.

So I'll be alright.



Midterms are already extremely stressful

But in seungmins situation, it must be much worse.

However, I know he has to try.

If he doesn't take these exams he could have to retake his last year, and since he's under my care I need to help him. His parents would have wanted me to care for him.

We spent all day yesterday reviewing our notes plus the ones Felix dropped off from the days we missed. And so far, I think the exams have gone well.

I know for sure I aced the dance evaluation and science was pretty easy, not so sure about math though. But seungmin is the best in math so he must've done well.

The base line is, if I thought the exam was easy, then for seungmin it was a walk in the park.

Atleast that's what it normally feels like, I hope his brain isn't too foggy right now.

Lunch time was strange because it was oddly silent, half the kids in library or with their textbooks in the cafeteria. An almost brain dead feeling.

The moment I saw seungmin after dance, I ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug. He's really a huge inspiration for going through such hardships and still able to go on. He's so strong and I'm so proud of him.

And I think he's starting to see that in himself too.

He's really starting to believe I love him. He's starting to love himself again too. He was healing so well until... recently.

"Aish since when did school get this hard!!" Jeongin slams his head on the lunch table, thankfully his forehead was cushioned by Chan's hand and fast reflexes.

Two boys sit down at the table last, causing Jeongin to lift his head at the tables weight shifting.

I immediately turn my head their way, already knowing who it was.

Yeonjun and changbin.

To be honest, I was kind of pissed at them.

They were the only two out of the friend group to not visit seungmin. Even with such a horrible thing happening to him, they didn't bother. And they didn't even have any excuses.

They weren't there for my boyfriend. And that makes me mad.

"Ah Seungminnie and Hyunjinnie welcome back! Missed you two!" Yeonjun smiles followed by changbin who looked a bit nervous

The atmosphere gets awkward for a moment.

"You didn't seem to miss them if you didn't even visit seungmin." A voice from the other side of the table breaks the silence.

My head whips toward jisung, he had just spoken up for the first time today. Obviously he was just as pissed as I was.

Yeonjun ignores the statement before looking at changbin, almost like his eyes were saying something to him. After a moment he looks down at his phone.

"Uh what jisung meant was... it's been a while since the whole gang was together." Chan tries to repair things being the oldest and all. Though jisungs attitude was very apparent.

A loud ding rings on everyone's phones, like everyone had collectively gotten a notification.

Everything feels likes it's in slow motion.

This past week has been nightmare and it feels like any second now I will wake up to the perfect life I wish seungmin and I had. One where nothing was too good to be true and just good and true.

But no, im stuck in this sad reality.

Almost in sync, everyone picks up their phones to check the notification, including me. As soon as I see the preview my heart drops to my stomach.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

"W-what!?" Felix stands up with his eyes glued to his phone screen. "This can't be true!"

"H-how is this-" Jeongin and Chan almost say in unison.

The cafeteria fills with gasps and the rooms attention shifts to our table.

I take a tight hold of seungmins hand as his chest rises and falls rapidly due to his fast breathing. His face a bright red as he sees the notification too.

- American celebrity singer Seungmin Kim found in Seoul, Korea months after his public disappearance...

Y'all liking the profile change?

I'm now Niki Minaj hehe

Hope you enjoyed!

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